Monday, March 20, 2006

Spring has most definetly not sprung§

I swear this whole blog is not going to become a moan about Britain and everything else that mightbe wrong in my life but I have to take a second to mention the bitter freezing cold that was my Saturday night. We were on our way to a friends house and had to catch the notorious 493 bus. We stood in the cold for bout half an hour by which time I couldn't sit down cause I was frozen into a huddled standing position. It was by far the coldest night of winter..... which is makes no sense because it is now officially Spring.
Summer, summer where fore art thou summer

Thursday, March 16, 2006

A FINE day for a fight

So I'm a nanny right. And one of the things I do is drop Sas off at school and then pick her up bout 6 hours later. I can honestly say these trips r never fun...... ever. Mothers obviously cannot drive. Having kids seems to do something to their brains and any driving skill they may have had goes stright out the window. We won't even go into some of the dodgy moves I have been witness to.

So by the time I reach Sas's posh Hampstead school my blood is generally already boiling. So the idea is find a parking space (any bloody parking space) get in and get Sas out. So you can imagine how happy I was to see bout 10 open parking spaces right opposite the school. I did a quick Uie and ran in. I was happily planning my get away when one of the aforementioned mothers kindly pointed out my bright yellow parking ticket. I had been in that space less than 5 mins and some gnormeless idiot parking attendant had given me a ticket. For parking in a suspended parking bay. (que dawining realisation that any parking spaces in London are too good to be true.) Sure enough hidden behind the trunk of the most enormous tree ever was the notice. At this point Sas thinks it best to point out that I am the one who is going to be paying the £100 fine and not her beloved mother. I spoted the traffic warden a few cars down but thought it best I drive away before I had time to plant my foot up his ass.

The traffic department had better be ready cause hurrican Bronwyn is on the way!!!!

less about meme more about the music

so I was just tagged by Roxx to do a meme....
a meme is........
Go into your PC's music library and delete five songs. Then tell us
what they were, and why you snuffed 'em, in the harshest possible
Having read Rox's outstanding piece ( I couldn't
resist doing one of my own.... any of you who know me at all will know
1.  Boyfriend - ashlee simpson
Actually deleted a few ashlee simpson songs. The chick cannot sing.
and she really cannot dance. to be really un PC she looks like she is
having an epeleptic fit.
2. Put you record on - Corrinne Bailey Ray
aaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     how many times can people listen
to one song. I swear they are doing some kind of experiment to see how
long it takes to drive someone crazy by subjecting them to one
song....over and over again...... on loop. (incedentatly loved the
song the first time I heard it and the CD is awesome)
3. So Sick  - Ne-yo
The line in the song is...... so sick of love songs.....why can't I
turn off the radio???? I don't know maybe because you r a complete
4. It's chico time - chico
okay this song is not on my play list but it must get a mention. the
latest winner of X-factor uk is a goat hearder from some remote
country called chico who has a song (if you can even call it music)
called "it's chico time". It is a disgrace to the music industry and
..... I can't even go on.... too upsetting
5. I'll be ready - sunblock
sorry Ian - I really dislike this song (not least cause Ian insists on
playing it while we r on the tube at full volume - at which point it
gets stuck in my head and I find myself humming it for the next week).
when r people going to get back to writing some original music?????