Thursday, March 29, 2007


Go see it.... that is all I have to say

Thursday, March 22, 2007

I stole this from my friend Rich...

1. A is for age: 23 (almost 24)

2. B is for beer of choice: yuck yuck yuck....

3. C is for career right now: Exhibition assistant and event organiser extraordinaire.

4. is for your dog's name? I had a dog once......

5. E is for essential item you use everyday: hair straighteners

6. F is for favorite TV show at the moment: HERO'S !!!!!!!!

7. G is for favorite game: can I make G is for your favorite guy???

8. H is for Home town: Currently London baby....but originally Cape Town

9. I is for instruments you play: My iPod

10. J is for favorite juice: apple I think

11. K is for whose butt you'd like to kick: arch Nemesis
12. L is for last place you ate: I had a snack on my bed while I watched a DVD

13. M is for marriage: yes please...

14. N is for your full name: Bronwyn Allison Sletcher

15. O is for overnight hospital stays: nope

16. P is for people you were with today: work colleges... and flatties

17. Q is for quote:

18. R is for Biggest Regret: I don't believe in regrets

19. S is for status: negative

20. T is for time you woke up today: finally crawled out of bed at 7:45

21. U is for underwear you have on now: the normal

22. V is for vegetable you love: mmmm... not much of a vegetable person....although I will eat them....maybe baby corn

23. W is for worst habit: I would tell you, but then I'd have to kill you

24. X is for x-rays you've had: on my saliva gland....had a blockage and my face was about to explode...and on my kidneys after a vicious infection

25. Y is for yummy food you ate today: 2 croissants for brekkie.....yummy

26. Z is for the zodiac sign: Gemini

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Top tips for organising a event for 800 + people

4 weeks out...
1. Relax, take it easy. It is well known that all organisation for any event happens in the last week, so you might as well put your feet up while you can
2 weeks out...
2.Your event planner would probably like to meet up with you at this point... avoid this at all costs....if they know what you look like they will rush straight to you for every little thing on the night of the event...and this would really ruin your evening.
1 week out
3. Stop answering is inevitably some guest calling to tell you they have not recieved their invitation or someone cancelling their seat causing a problem on your seating plan.
4. Start shifting responsibility of important tasks....that way when the shit hits the fan at the event you have someone to blame
day before the event
4. Make sure you go for your mani pedi and fake tan....nothing helps in a crisis like looking good.
5. Have a relaxing morning, sleep in. You will need your beauty sleep. Pitch up at the venue in time to get a few bevvies in to calm the nerves...then go have worked long and hard on this event so enjoy your moment......

Sunday, March 18, 2007


For home group this week Rox suggested we head down to our favourite local The Jolly Gardener for a chilled evening. What we didn't realised was that Tuesdays are pub quiz night at the Jolly. I am not a fan of the pub quiz, for the simple reason that I am not British and so don't know the answer to ANY of the questions and so I walk away feeling a little uneducated. While trying to figure out which F1 driver one his first race since 1996 Liz suggested Noddy....and we were off. Any question we didn't know the answer to our default answer was Noddy.... Rox was so embarrassed by our effort that when I cajoled her into handing our form in, she threw it at the bar counter and ran to the bathroom to hide. Watching the woman sniggering as she marked our answers did little to increase my love of the British pub quiz... Sadly we had to leave before the winners were announced so we didn't get to see the woman wondering around looking for the winner of the pub quiz.....NODDY

Counting Sheep

Friday I was enjoying a relaxing night in with Rox and V, when we started discussing sleep patterns. The conversation eventually came around to the strange things people resort to in order to go to sleep. I admitted to having tried counting sheep but that I would get frustrated as my sheep seemed to have a mind of their own and would all start leaping over the fence at once making it very difficult for me to count them and leaving me more awake and frustrated than before. At this point Rox was laughing hysterically having also experienced out of control sheep. When we eventually calmed down and were able to talk and breath I was so relieved to realise I was not the only one to have this problem.... and it made me think that Rox and I really have a lot more in common than we would probably ever realise....

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Catch up

So, I have been decidedly slack in the blog department. I think a combinations of things have caused this.
1. I realised no one was actually reading my largely useless musings on life.
2. I am really busy.
3. While I am busy, I am not busy doing anything very interesting. I tend to work and see friends and sleep...not very blog worthy.

Last week I helped out at a work function at the houses of parliament. I was excited to go inside but to be honest once I was in there I could have been in any building. I felt very out of my depth so I stuck with my friend and colleague Nick...eating large amount of horrendously expensive canapes and drinking wine. The best part of the evening by far was packing up and heading to the pub.

Other than that I have been consumed with the thought of festival tickets and going home. 5 weeks and 2 days till the impending trip and 2 weeks till Glastonbury tickets go on sale....I will get these tickets as I have already missed out on V tickets and the line up is outrageously good....sob