Thursday, January 18, 2007


So work has gotten interesting....and busy, so very busy. For my first month of so I was plagued with boredom and could not wait till things picked up. And while I do not wish to go back to that snail pace I do find myself wishing I had a few more hours in the day, and thinking about staying late after work.
The good thing is that I genuinely enjoy what I do. I may find myself frustrated or stressed but it is all worth while when you get job satisfaction.

Monday, January 08, 2007

First transport rant of the year

I know I frequently compain about the transport but I have to have somewhere to rant.
So the crowds are back. Untill this morning I had been enjoying a relatively empty tube...but it couldn't last. This morning the crowds were all headed back to work.....Got dirty looks from some woman for DARING to read a newspaper on a crowded tube..... only 52 weeks of this left....

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Long time, no Blog

Just logged onto blogger for the first time this year and was shocked to see I have not blogged in over a apologies to anyone who has been checking my blog in hopes of fresh posts.

New years is a time of looking forward for me....thinking about things I'm hoping to accomplish and planning exciting adventures for the year. So here is some of what I have planned.

1. I am going to make a long awaited trip home.
One of my oldest and dearest friends is getting married this year and so I am going home for 2 weeks. It will be 3 years by the time I get back to SA...three years of not having seen 90% of my family and most of my old friends. I am looking forward to catching up and chilling out and totally enjoying all the holiday splendour that SA has to offer (despite the fact that is is going to be autumn and a tad chilly)

2. I am going to 2 music festivals
The plan is to go to Spain for an amazing long weekend on the beach. The festival runs through the nights and so I am going to spend the days lazing on the beach and swimming.....can hardly wait. Then going to Leeds/Reading festival in August for a muddy version of the Spain festival...minus the beach...and with a lot less sun.

3. Probably a trip to Egypt
Hoping to go to Egypt in around September for a final shot at getting a tan....Have ALWAYS wanted to go there and I am looking forward to a mixture of seeing some ancient history and doing sweet blow all.....should be amazing

4. Get a grip on my finances
If I want to do all the above mentioned activities I am going to have to get serious about my money.....spend less save more is going to be my motto.

5. Career focused
Work is going to be a major priority this year. I desperately want to be good at what I do and be able to move up the ladder at the end of this contract and not into a similar job in a different going to work hard and have as much fun as possible.

6. Be more precious about my time
Last year I said yes to everything and by the end of the year I was going out 7 nights a week and was totally run down and near hysteria a lot of the time. This year I am going to limit my week day activities and spend more time chilling out after work (lets see how long this lasts!!!!)