Thursday, July 27, 2006
Just found out the wierdest thing...... Britney Spears' song "Oops I Did it Again" was originally done by Louis Armstrong. You can hear it here.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
DIGGin' it
Seriously, Briggs is such a wealth of information. I went to check out a site called Digg on her recommendation and it is a lot of fun. I have wasted a good few hours on there already today. The idea is that you "digg" an article or not....which is harmless fun. The thing that surprised me is you can rate the comments people leave on each article. So I'm sitting there rating comments left right and center and suddenly I just felt so, so mean.... I felt like I was ganging up or critising people for having an opinion. Okay so some people had some messed up opinions but still..... I would love to know what the site's creator was thinking when they made that an option.....
I'm a little scared to leave a comment for fear of being relegated to a -10 (or something)
I'm a little scared to leave a comment for fear of being relegated to a -10 (or something)
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Guilt free pleasure

I am addicted to magazines....and I have had to learn to curb my magazine addiction as most of them are filled with rubbish gossip which I inadvertently end up believing. But in the last year I have discovered something amazing. A magazine with the right mixture of entertainment and relevant information. What is this miracle called, I hear you ask.....Rolling Stone.
This magazine manages to enthrall me and teach me something every month. From the latest issue I have learnt about Johnny Depp, visited Namibia by way of beautiful photo's and learnt all about Al Gore's stance on climate change.....all in one magazine.
Now I can happily feed my addiction without any guilt or reprimand from worried friends.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sweet Bliss
After many weeks of seemingly endless work and hectic social activites, I finally got a break. Sas was at her dad, Laura was in L.A., and while I had things to do it was balanced perfectly with having nothing to do. I spent a lot of time watching TV and re-reading the 6th Harry Potter and I have to say it was a blissfull weekend. If only I had a few more of these I might be a happier, less stressed Bronny.
It's all good fun.....Isn't it?

I heard about something amazing. It's called Street Wars. It is a game played with water pistol where you are given a "target" and told to "take them out". At first I was enthralled and was wondering if there was any way I could get in on this despite the fact that entry was closed. Then I stared thinking.....
What would happen if someone were to pull out a water pistol in the middle of a tube station. Imagine the panic and mayhem that would ensue. This thing has the potential to cause a lot of problems esp seeing as we have just had the one year aniversary of the London Bombings. It seems slightly insensitive and callous. I am interested to see if this makes into the news or if the whole thing goes on trouble free.....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
This weekend was hectic. Far from being the relaxing time I had planned I ended up filling the weekend with things to do as usual.
I managed to go out to dinner watch a dvd with friends, have a braai, go to Snetterton race track, Great Yarmouth and Cambridge all in one weekend. I am fairly impressed with myself. And while it was an entertaining weekend the most fun came from something small - Ian throwing my slip-slop into the middle of the pavement. I think the aim was to watch people's reaction and I have to admit it kept me amused for way longer than it should have. Most people just stepped over it, pretending it wasn't there. Some people did a double take (it is bright pink after all) and a few people made the connection with me on the embankment sans slop. As a self-confessed people watcher it was fascinating. Who needs to go punting down the river (though it was pretty) when all you need is a busy pavement and a slop.
I managed to go out to dinner watch a dvd with friends, have a braai, go to Snetterton race track, Great Yarmouth and Cambridge all in one weekend. I am fairly impressed with myself. And while it was an entertaining weekend the most fun came from something small - Ian throwing my slip-slop into the middle of the pavement. I think the aim was to watch people's reaction and I have to admit it kept me amused for way longer than it should have. Most people just stepped over it, pretending it wasn't there. Some people did a double take (it is bright pink after all) and a few people made the connection with me on the embankment sans slop. As a self-confessed people watcher it was fascinating. Who needs to go punting down the river (though it was pretty) when all you need is a busy pavement and a slop.
Friday, July 14, 2006
So Briggs pointed out on her blog that a new war started this week between Israel and Lebanon. And while I was totally aware of what was going on I had not acknowledged to myself that it was a war. To be honest I just thought it was an extention of Bush's attack on "terrorism". (?????)
I think I have become totally numb to the horrifing world attrocities. Although I have prayed for people in India after the bombing earlier in the week I haven't really spent much time thinking bout it. True I have a lot of my own problems on the go at the moment but I think it is more than that. I have just started blocking it out. I barely let the facts filter into my brain before I shove them right back out again. I don't know if it is selfishness or if it has just gotten to the point now where the world is so crazy and stuffed up that I am no longer shocked and surprised when these things happen. I almost expect them and so don't need to think about each actual event. The world does not seemed to have stopped bombing and fighting and dying since september 11 and I see no end to it. I've thought about giving myself a wake up call and having a serious look at the world I live in, and then I think, why bother..... cynical I know.
I think I have become totally numb to the horrifing world attrocities. Although I have prayed for people in India after the bombing earlier in the week I haven't really spent much time thinking bout it. True I have a lot of my own problems on the go at the moment but I think it is more than that. I have just started blocking it out. I barely let the facts filter into my brain before I shove them right back out again. I don't know if it is selfishness or if it has just gotten to the point now where the world is so crazy and stuffed up that I am no longer shocked and surprised when these things happen. I almost expect them and so don't need to think about each actual event. The world does not seemed to have stopped bombing and fighting and dying since september 11 and I see no end to it. I've thought about giving myself a wake up call and having a serious look at the world I live in, and then I think, why bother..... cynical I know.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Amanda unboomed
So I recently posted an entry about Rocketboom loosing its presenter. I thought at the time that she had left to pursue better options but turns out she was fired. To cut a long story short she pretty much screwed herself over by not having a signed contract with her "partner" and now despite having done all the work on Rocketboom she is left with nothing....nasty.
Let that be a lesson to us all...a little chat does not a binding contract make!!!
Let that be a lesson to us all...a little chat does not a binding contract make!!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Bored anyone???
a friend of mine is doing some research. Pls take 5 mins and fill out the quiz. She will be eternally gratefull.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Blooming awefull

Went to see Pirate of the Caribean 2 on saturday night. I was quite looking forward to it. It wasn't brilliant. It was exactly what the previews had said it was.... a fluffy summer blockbuster. I didn't feel terribly passionate about it one way or the other.
The one thing I did have a strong reaction too though was Orlando Blooms terrible acting. I have no idea how the man is manging to make a living. He is so so wooden and just no fun at all. Maybe it was particularly noticable next to the brilliant (not to mention beautiful) Johnny Depp. I wish I could say I would be able to avoid all future Orlando Bloom nightmares but I will have to see the third Pirates movies.....I'm sure I'll be able to suffer through it ;-)
Nothing to say
I have absolutely nothing of interest to say. I honestly just feel like a good old moan.....
How was my weekend????? I could say good. I got to chill out in an amazing flat with my favourite people in London and then saw the big summer block buster (more on that later). Sunday I enjoyed all the Boat House has to offer with the same fabulous friends before heading off to church for some much needed God time. So I should have had a good weekend. Instead I am feeling tired and grumpy and slightly on edge. Which begs the question what does it take to satisfy me??? Someone to whisk me off to Harrods for an all expnses shopping trip maybe?
How was my weekend????? I could say good. I got to chill out in an amazing flat with my favourite people in London and then saw the big summer block buster (more on that later). Sunday I enjoyed all the Boat House has to offer with the same fabulous friends before heading off to church for some much needed God time. So I should have had a good weekend. Instead I am feeling tired and grumpy and slightly on edge. Which begs the question what does it take to satisfy me??? Someone to whisk me off to Harrods for an all expnses shopping trip maybe?
I have been waiting for a week for my latest fix of rocketboom and so today when I logged on with great anticipation I was devested to find out that the presenter amanda congdon has left the show.... I am not happy.
Come back amanda....rocketboom will not be the same without you.

(go check it out...great for random and intersting info)
Come back amanda....rocketboom will not be the same without you.

(go check it out...great for random and intersting info)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Paintings come to life

Today was Saskia's school concert. We rushed down there at 8:30 only to find that people had resereved the first 1000 rows and we had to fight to get any seat at all. After an hour and 15 min wait the group of 5 and 6 year old bounded onto the stage to enthrall us for an hour. I laughed till I cried for that full hour. The concept was a gallery where the paintings come to life. The dancing and singing was gorgeous and the highlight for me was 5 kids TRYING to do the can-can. Too cute. Sas was beautiful.She was one of the sunflowers in the "Van Gough" painting. I was so proud to be her nanny. She was definetly the star...and no I am not biased
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The stalking continues
So I have become somewhat of a celebrity magnet....Today I nearly ran over Natalie Appleton (formally of All Saints fame, who are rumoured to be getting back together) and nearly ran into Kinga (who was last years dogiest Big Brother housemate - no wait the dogiest housemate ever!!!!) Don't ask me what it is about me but I am drawing them like moths to a flame at the
So frickin scared!!!!!!
So I have postponed the essay writting section of my course for far too long. The time has come to sit down and get writting. The thing is, I just don't know where to start. I haven't done anything remotely like this since I left matric 5 years ago and I seem to have forgotten all the skills I learn't.
So friday I am heading to the library at the theological college I am studying through. To be honest I am praying for divine inspiration....
So friday I am heading to the library at the theological college I am studying through. To be honest I am praying for divine inspiration....
Monday, July 03, 2006
Dancing Queens
Up untill this point I have managed to avoid posting about Big Brother. But last nights show was too good to be true. The daily task for the housemates involved dressing up in bright lycra clothing and dancing with blinds on to an mp3 player with just three songs on it. I was crying with laughter. I'm sure you can imagine what 8 or so people look like dancing around in silence. That was by far the best task I have ever seen on big brother. Wish I had taped it so I could play it whenever I was feeling sad.....
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Yesterday I went out to SURBITON - Mainly for a fundraiser and to support a friend but we ended up watching the football in the pub we were in. I have to say that each game I watch gets a little more exciting and yesterday was the all important quater finals. The game wasn't terribly interesting. But the fans.... They were fantastic. The more tense it got the more they were singing and clapping. They would also shout random things like, "Get in" and "who are ya, who are ya". I happened to be sitting next to the biggest football fan who knew everything and really believed the england team could hear all the instructions he was shouting at them. I edged further and further away from him as he started repeatedly banging his hand on the table.
We lost, but it was by far the most enetertained I have been in a football game. England football fans are amazing.
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