Wednesday, July 26, 2006

DIGGin' it

Seriously, Briggs is such a wealth of information. I went to check out a site called Digg on her recommendation and it is a lot of fun. I have wasted a good few hours on there already today. The idea is that you "digg" an article or not....which is harmless fun. The thing that surprised me is you can rate the comments people leave on each article. So I'm sitting there rating comments left right and center and suddenly I just felt so, so mean.... I felt like I was ganging up or critising people for having an opinion. Okay so some people had some messed up opinions but still..... I would love to know what the site's creator was thinking when they made that an option.....
I'm a little scared to leave a comment for fear of being relegated to a -10 (or something)

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