Sunday, May 20, 2007

39 Steps

I was tired!!! Very very tired. And I did not feel like going out. But I had booked these damn tickets through damn lastminute for dinner and theater, so I dragged my sorry ass from work through to Picadilly to meet with the lovely Carlene. Dinner was nice (the company more than the venue) but the theater was great. My interest was piqued when I realised the theater was actually underground (yes I am easily excited!) Despite my lethargy, I was able to concentrate and even managed a few laughs. There were only four actors playing a number of roles. The whole show was very tongue in cheek but at the same time very very clever. I spent the whole night wondering how they had managed to think up so many different ways to bring this movie to the theater. I am sure I would've appreciated it even more if I had actually seen the movie!!!!! Never the less I was highly entertained for 2 hours and would loved to have met the actors so I could personally tell them how much I had enjoyed the show. After seeing this show I am even less impressed with "Treats" than I was on Monday night! For me this show is what the west end is all about, slightly over the top acting, clever props and a lot of laughs.

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