Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I choose my choice!!!

I've just gotten back from SA. It was wonderful to be home. To be back with the people who at the end of the day know me the best and love me despite the dork I was in High school. The whole time I was there I was more than willing to tell anyone who would listen how great the UK is and how they should come over that very minute. I also made sure everyone around me knew how happy I am here. But even while I was talking I was wondering if I had made the right choice in making the UK my home. I AM deliriously happy here most of the time, and the life and opportunities here so for exceed the options in Cape Town, but at the same time I am missing out on a lot. My young brothers and sisters are growing up at a rapid pace with little thought to how that makes me feel, my parents and grandparents go on and get older and my friends are getting married (separate issue all together). So getting on the plane was hard, much harder than the last time as now I know I will not be back for another three years or so, and so so much is going to happen in that time, but at the end of the day, I choose my choice. I choose London with all the hecticness and stress, as well as the beauty and vibrancy. And I choose to let people in SA move on without me. I choose my choice!!!!!

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