Monday, August 14, 2006

Good times

Lately I have been spending more and more time at home with DVD's for company, due mostly, to a lack of funds. I have ventured out 3 times in the last week or so and (because I have been more selective about outings) I have found them to be exactly the refreshing and fun experiences I was craving.

Saturday night I spent some time with Tagg. It has been a few weeks since we last really caught up (not from lack of trying on each of our behalves) and though I would love to be able to spend more time with her, I agree with the addage "absence makes the heart grow fonder". As always we ended up nattering away till way too late and I just managed to catch the last train home. Anyway all these meetings and fun times have just reminded me that it doesn't matter where you's all about the peeps. and while there a few people missing, (who will soon be joining me on this side of the world) it just doesn't get any better then this. If time could stand still, I would be happy for it to stop here for a while.

1 comment:

foxy_roxtar said...

Am getting all teary at my desk... x