Sunday, August 27, 2006


The Good
- The bands, Check out above for my top three but even people I had never heard of were amazing
- The weather, didn't rain during at all while we were watching was not too hot, not too cold. Perfect
- The crowd, The best thing about watching the big bands was being part of the crowd who r just going crazy for some band.....jumping and screaming in appreciation. Amazing

The Bad
- The food, was not great. Lots of fatty fried food and junk
- The crowd, trying to walk from one stage to another was like swimming up stream. No matter which way you're going, you're always going up stream.... drunk crowds....hard to deal with

The Ugly
- The toilets, OH MY GOODNESS, I have never seen, or smelt, anything so disgusting in my entire life. I did not expect to be confronted by 50000 people's bodily waste this weekend. I think if I can manage that, I can take on the WORLD.....
- me, by the end of the weekend. Don't want to give away too many secrets but it was not a pretty sight. Major respect to Steve for putting up with me in my ever worsening moods....

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