Wednesday, November 08, 2006

here's an unfunny joke for you

How many people can you fit on an overland train between putney and waterloo?

About a hundred million billion.
This morning my bus was late and so I missed the earlier train into town and was subjected to being face to face with some guy for 20 mins....I kid you not, I didn't want to breath because he was so close, and had the train moved a bit more violently I would have unwittingly kissed him (luckily he was quite hot so it was not such a hard burden to bear)...At one point I didn't have to hold onto anything as I was propped up by the swaying mass of people around me.
They say the British are great queue'rs but I have to say that all goes out the window if they are trying to get onto the train....they will just push and push untill they are on that train...even if it means their arse cheek gets pinched in the door as it slams shut.

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