We couldn't pass up the opportunity to excape London for a 4 day weekend. After much research and about a thousand million e-mails we settled on a really unknown town (if you can call it a town) called Hope Cove. After a rather hectic day rushing around we picked up the car on thursday afternoon and made tracks out of London as fast we could. The drive was bout 4.5 hours and we made it to the cottage round midnight. After a quick look around we all crashed for the night.
Friday morning Steve and I went to do the grocery shop but got so carried away by the amazing scenery we ended up driving for bout 2 hours. We eventually settled on a tiny shop in Dartmouth and then had a lengthy shop for food. Steve seemed to be packing the trolley with more and more things every time I turned around. We arrived back to the cottage to a very very hungry bunch of people. We had absolutely no signal in Hope cove so they had no idea what had happened to us.
The whole area was so amazing. Rolling green hills and amazing deep blue seas. We pretty much spent the whole holiday sleeping and eating with a few walks in the area for good measure. The evening we seemed to come alive and there we some very revealing and hysterical board games.The girls Lost the bet and had to cook and clean for a whole day and make the boys tea and coffee on demand. I have to say the boys were such gentlemen that they didn't even hold us to the bet. (I wonder if the girls would have done the same?????) The boys taught us to play poker and I am proud to say the girls played very well (despite the fact that I didn't win a single hand)
The whole weekend was exactly what I needed. A chilled out weekend far from city trappings, with amazing people who made me laugh pretty much non stop the whole weekend. Sadly it did have to end (despite my whaling "I'm not ready to go home", loudly and at length)and monday we rose early and headed off to London after a farewell walk on the cliff. The traffic was horrendous and what should have taken 4.5 hours took us 9 hours heading home. I will never travel again on a bank holiday.
Thanks to everone one the trip. Guys you made this holiday what it was....amazing
To compensate for the shock of being back in London I am now planning my next holiday....
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