Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My pre-holiday warm up

On the eve of my holiday I feel myself as excited as I used to as a child when we were about to leave for P.E. for a 2 week trip. (for those of you who don't know P.E does not warrant a 2 week visit. EVER

We are only going down to Devon to get some time by the sea but I feel as if I was off to Disney world. I guess it is just the prospect of going for a real holiday i.e no sightseeing or major missioning to do. I am even excited in the face of having to play various "boy sports" all weekend long. It seems nothing can damped my enthusiasm. Yay holidays and real sea sand.

Keep your eyes pealed for part two..... could the holiday ever live up to my mamoth expectations, will I get thrown into the sea, will the boys loose an amazing bet that leaves them realing? Stay tuned for all this and more

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