Saturday, April 08, 2006

The Miracle that is Ebay

I have made a discovery.....many have discovered it before me. it has had the same mesmerising effect on others as it has had on me.... its name is.... EBAY. Yes people I have joined the ranks of thousands upon millions of e-bay addicts. The whole thing has been a joyous experience and one I am keen to share with you all.

I cannot quite remember why I joined ebay that fatefull day all of 3 weeks ago, I think it may have had something to do with my brothers birthday which was looming, or it may have just been boredom. But the fact remain that I registered and entered shoppers paradise.

You can find anything on Ebay, and I do mean ANYTHING. From cars and motorbikes right through to underwear and make-up. it is amazing what people are willing to sell....and buy. I have to date bought a gameboy, some games to go with it, the 'Friends" game, pictionary, the Gummi bears (all 65 episodes on DVD) and a diary. All at extremely good prices. All have arrived and been pretty mauch perfect. So my e-bay experience has been bliss. I have heard that this is not the case for every one. I have heard a few horror stories some involving ski pants and accidental multiple purchases, But I am not one to shop and tell....

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