Monday, May 15, 2006

Musings from a train window

This weekend I escaped London and went to Norwich to visit some old friends. It was great to get out of the city and have some fun but on the train trip back I had some time for reflection and I realised a few thing

1. The Grass is not Greener on the Other Side
I love my life in London, but sometimes it gets a bit hectic and I feel like I want to run away. This weekend helped me realise I am really really happy here. Also I am blessed by the people that I do life with. I missed spending time with them this weekend and I was really excited to come home.

2. I am not a punk rock chick
We ended up at a punk rock club on Saturday night, right in the middle of a mosh pit jumping around, and while I enjoyed it I would not be able to do that every weekend. (thanks to Richard for his "performance". That alone would tempt me into going again)

3. The Grass is Literally Greener on the Other Side
London is not as green as I would like to believe. I have vehemently denied that London is grey and dreary but obviously I have been here way too long. The second we got out of London I was amazed by the green green grass....London is dull in comparison.

So those were some of my musings on the train. If I told you anymore I would have to kill you :-)

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