I have been working this weekend as Laura is away in Romania on a job. She thoughtfully organisd for Sas to go spend sunday afternoon with her cousins so I would get an afternoon break. I took the opportunity to meet the girls in Hyde Park for a gentle stroll.
After walking for about 45 mins we made our way round to speakers corner. I have never been there before and I have always been interested in going, so I waded in and had a good old listen. For those of you who live outside London Speakers Corner is a small section of Hyde Park where people come to air their views. They bring a ladder or a podium and start shouting. The thing that surprised me was how many people were having one on one debates (some might call them arguments) and that 90% of the discussion was about religion of some kind. I was totally fascinated and enthralled. I could happily have spent an hour just wandering from group to group taking it all in. I must just point out that a lot of the views were rather dodgy and at one point I was told that I was a "scalliwag sinner". If you're in London though and you haven't checked it out....do yourself a favour and go have a peek....
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