Last night I went to see Christina Aguilera in concert. It was a rather last minute thing and to be honest there were times last night when I wondered what the hell I had been thinking, but the show was phenomenal.
I had spent the day travelling to and from Birmingham for work and so by the time I got to Wembley I was pretty finished. We had to queue for about an hour and then had another hour to wait for the support band, Nizlopi. They were just plain wierd. They tried their best to get the crowd amped but no one wanted to know their story. We then waited another 45 mins for Christina to get her cute little butt onto stage. This was definetly one of the best shows I have seen. The sets were amazing, the dancers highly energised and of course the pint sized blond with the most amazing voice. She was definetly still looking to shock a few people with her antics but non of that was at the expense of an amazinf performance.
So it was enjoyable but next time I go to a pop concert I am going to be seated, to avoid standing for hours on end and to totally avoid annoying fans who blow whistles and have a running compentary going all through the show.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
You always take the weather with you
Lately the weather has been relecting my mood very very acurately. Last week I was happy, the world was a fresh clean place and nothing could bring me down. I loved the autumn leaves on the floor, the crisp air and how everyone was dressed all snug in their hats, gloves and scarves.
Today, I am hurting, I want to climb under my blankets and hide from the world. It is pouring with rain outside and it feels very theraputic. People keep their heads down in the street or hide under their umbrella's and somehow I feel like the world knows how badly I want to be left alone and has orchestrated this weather just for me. I have very little to do at work and so I watch the rain coming down and hope that this will somehow wash all the yuck away.
Today, I am hurting, I want to climb under my blankets and hide from the world. It is pouring with rain outside and it feels very theraputic. People keep their heads down in the street or hide under their umbrella's and somehow I feel like the world knows how badly I want to be left alone and has orchestrated this weather just for me. I have very little to do at work and so I watch the rain coming down and hope that this will somehow wash all the yuck away.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Especially for you Sarah
Hey know I don't actually have your e-mail excuses seeing as I know Rox has it..... is good. I am LOVING living in south. It's just as good as I thought it would be. It is so good to be able to get almost all the way home with a friend. The new job is going good. A bit boring to be honest but they keep telling me it is going to get so busy that I should just appreciate this quite time....
For a more in depth look into how I'm really doing I write another blog..... which might give you some more insight.
So I know that is not terribly detailed....but the important thing is that I miss you so so much and I am planning on going to sydney in april so we will have to meet up for a big hug and a seriously long chat. is good. I am LOVING living in south. It's just as good as I thought it would be. It is so good to be able to get almost all the way home with a friend. The new job is going good. A bit boring to be honest but they keep telling me it is going to get so busy that I should just appreciate this quite time....
For a more in depth look into how I'm really doing I write another blog..... which might give you some more insight.
So I know that is not terribly detailed....but the important thing is that I miss you so so much and I am planning on going to sydney in april so we will have to meet up for a big hug and a seriously long chat.
here's an unfunny joke for you
How many people can you fit on an overland train between putney and waterloo?
About a hundred million billion.
This morning my bus was late and so I missed the earlier train into town and was subjected to being face to face with some guy for 20 mins....I kid you not, I didn't want to breath because he was so close, and had the train moved a bit more violently I would have unwittingly kissed him (luckily he was quite hot so it was not such a hard burden to bear)...At one point I didn't have to hold onto anything as I was propped up by the swaying mass of people around me.
They say the British are great queue'rs but I have to say that all goes out the window if they are trying to get onto the train....they will just push and push untill they are on that train...even if it means their arse cheek gets pinched in the door as it slams shut.
About a hundred million billion.
This morning my bus was late and so I missed the earlier train into town and was subjected to being face to face with some guy for 20 mins....I kid you not, I didn't want to breath because he was so close, and had the train moved a bit more violently I would have unwittingly kissed him (luckily he was quite hot so it was not such a hard burden to bear)...At one point I didn't have to hold onto anything as I was propped up by the swaying mass of people around me.
They say the British are great queue'rs but I have to say that all goes out the window if they are trying to get onto the train....they will just push and push untill they are on that train...even if it means their arse cheek gets pinched in the door as it slams shut.
Feeding my music addiction
Last night was the long-awaited Feeder concert. I knew it was going to be a good one but I had no idea how good.
We decided to stand instead of sit to get the full Feeder vibe and managed to get quite close to the front before the support act "Boy Kill Boy" started. They were pretty good, one of the better support bands we had seen. The place packed up pretty quickly and before we knew it Feeder came on stage and we were in the middle of a mosh pit. I mean a serious mosh pit. All I can say is thank the pope we had Steven there otherwise we would never have gotten out alive. He had to literally drag us out. We headed right to the back where all the old fogies and boring people were hanging out and proceeded to jump around like crazies for an hour and a bit. They played all the best Feeder tunes and through in a few covers for fun. I was equally entertained by the fifty something year old guys around me who knew more words to the songs than I did and who had more energy and stamina than I did....They were bouncing around and playing air guitar.....highly enjoyable watching.
So now I'm kinda sad.....I loved the concert so much but now it's over....Going to see some SA bands tomorrow night and then it is a month long wait for Kasabian and Snow Patrol (woohoo)Not sure how I am going to cope without my weekely gig, actually maybe now I will get to catch up on some much needed sleep.
We decided to stand instead of sit to get the full Feeder vibe and managed to get quite close to the front before the support act "Boy Kill Boy" started. They were pretty good, one of the better support bands we had seen. The place packed up pretty quickly and before we knew it Feeder came on stage and we were in the middle of a mosh pit. I mean a serious mosh pit. All I can say is thank the pope we had Steven there otherwise we would never have gotten out alive. He had to literally drag us out. We headed right to the back where all the old fogies and boring people were hanging out and proceeded to jump around like crazies for an hour and a bit. They played all the best Feeder tunes and through in a few covers for fun. I was equally entertained by the fifty something year old guys around me who knew more words to the songs than I did and who had more energy and stamina than I did....They were bouncing around and playing air guitar.....highly enjoyable watching.
So now I'm kinda sad.....I loved the concert so much but now it's over....Going to see some SA bands tomorrow night and then it is a month long wait for Kasabian and Snow Patrol (woohoo)Not sure how I am going to cope without my weekely gig, actually maybe now I will get to catch up on some much needed sleep.
Friday, November 03, 2006
Frickin hell
Sorry trying to vent some frustration without attracting too much attention. I have another fine to pay......another hundred pound fine to pay. And this time it is not even for something that I did (I think I say that every time don't I?)
Anyway there was a warrant out for my arrest and now they want me to go down to the new forest for a court date....which is ridiculous and so now I think I am just going to have to cough up the hundred pounds for ease of mind and convenience......bloody hell I can't afford this. I am NEVER going to own a car in this country again.......
Sorry trying to vent some frustration without attracting too much attention. I have another fine to pay......another hundred pound fine to pay. And this time it is not even for something that I did (I think I say that every time don't I?)
Anyway there was a warrant out for my arrest and now they want me to go down to the new forest for a court date....which is ridiculous and so now I think I am just going to have to cough up the hundred pounds for ease of mind and convenience......bloody hell I can't afford this. I am NEVER going to own a car in this country again.......
Deep thought
Just discovered this guy Jack Handy. I love his random thoughts. Here r some of my favourites.
Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.
The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face.
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges.
We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients. But we can't scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is what annoys me.
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends, and you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail.
There are too
Maybe in order to understand mankind, we have to look at the word itself: "Mankind". Basically, it's made up of two separate words - "mank" and "ind". What do these words mean ? It's a mystery, and that's why so is mankind.
The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face.
When you go in for a job interview, I think a good thing to ask is if they ever press charges.
We tend to scoff at the beliefs of the ancients. But we can't scoff at them personally, to their faces, and this is what annoys me.
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason.
Love can sweep you off your feet and carry you along in a way you've never known before. But the ride always ends, and you end up feeling lonely and bitter. Wait. It's not love I'm describing. I'm thinking of a monorail.
There are too
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Live gigs 2 and 3
Gig # 2 was the phenomenal John Meyer. I wasn't that keen initially to go along to this concert. Infact I made the decision not to buy a ticket. Luckily for me Ian decided to go on holiday and he generously gave me his ticket.....and I am so so grateful. This concert totally rocked. John Meyer is not just a sexy beast but also an amazingly talented musician. I think at the moment he is on my top 5 live acts of the year....
Gig # 3 was Delirious last night. The thing that made this one so special was that almost all my friends came along. Ian had just got back from Africa so it was awesome to see him and I LOVE sharing these things with the people closest to me. Delirious is an awesome rock band....and boy did they rock last night. The only downer was that we planted ourselves right next to the speakers for some unknown reason and so I spent at least half the night with my fingers plugged into my ears trying to stop my ear drums bursting.
So next week sees me at two more concerts before I have a mini concert break.....
Gig # 3 was Delirious last night. The thing that made this one so special was that almost all my friends came along. Ian had just got back from Africa so it was awesome to see him and I LOVE sharing these things with the people closest to me. Delirious is an awesome rock band....and boy did they rock last night. The only downer was that we planted ourselves right next to the speakers for some unknown reason and so I spent at least half the night with my fingers plugged into my ears trying to stop my ear drums bursting.
So next week sees me at two more concerts before I have a mini concert break.....
Friday, October 27, 2006
Another post about public transport
Since giving up the easy life and moving to the South West of London I have actually had to do battle with public transport on a daily basis. Don't get me wrong,I love having the freedom to be able to go anywhere (almost,) anytime (till 12pm) but seeing as I have been living here for 2 and a half years now I feel I have earned the right to complain a bit.
This morning I was rushing to get on the overland. I knew the train was about to depart and so I leaped onto the train....and got caught mid-leap in the doors. I felt like a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth till the doors clamped shut, at which point I felt a lot of pain. Those doors mean business, nothing and no-one is going to stop them from closing, especially not little old me.
So after extricating myself and checking to make sure all my body parts had made it onto the train intact I glanced around to see most of the carriage staring at me.....I think I must have muttered (shouted) a few profanities at some point.....
I spent the rest of the journey staring out a window wondering how long till someone else would make an arse of themselves and take the heat off me.
Note to self, the next train will be along in 5 is never worth it to leap on the train just because it is about to leave!!!
This morning I was rushing to get on the overland. I knew the train was about to depart and so I leaped onto the train....and got caught mid-leap in the doors. I felt like a ping pong ball bouncing back and forth till the doors clamped shut, at which point I felt a lot of pain. Those doors mean business, nothing and no-one is going to stop them from closing, especially not little old me.
So after extricating myself and checking to make sure all my body parts had made it onto the train intact I glanced around to see most of the carriage staring at me.....I think I must have muttered (shouted) a few profanities at some point.....
I spent the rest of the journey staring out a window wondering how long till someone else would make an arse of themselves and take the heat off me.
Note to self, the next train will be along in 5 is never worth it to leap on the train just because it is about to leave!!!
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I don't wanna!!!!!
I have made the move down south...It was stressful and I still haven't unpacked, but it was my great joy to have my friends with me as I travelled home last night. There is only one big blip on the horizon......the bloody busses. I have been having to actually go up a gear into run mode (I know shock horror) in order to catch the bus. At first I thought it would only happen when I was with Tagg, but then this morning I found myself running for the 39......aaaarrrrrrggggg. How did this happen to me?????
Monday, October 23, 2006
The Atomatic: A concert review
My season of live music has officially kicked off. I dragged Rox, Jo and Steve down to the Astoria to see The Automatic.
We arrived at 7ish and found what looked like a very young and punky crowd. If I said we looked out of place I would be understating. We eventually got to the front of the queue after about half an hour just to be told we were in the wrong place and needed to be one door down. Quite embarrasing. We made our way through the rather confusing venue and managed to bag a little with a great view of the stage.
The support band were okay....couldn't have expected any more from them really. The Automatic however, rocked my world. They sounded just as great as on their album and I loved that I could sing along to every song (listened to the CD 5 times the day of the concert.....that's real dedication). My favourite was the "screamer" of the band. He is such and out there performer and I loved watching him throwing his body around. Sadly not everyone (steve) in our group was as enthralled by their performance as I was. All I can say is there is no accounting for some people's (steve's) taste.
So concert season is off to a good start, tonight is something compeletly different in the form of John Meyer. I have once again been trying to cram some of his songs into my little brain. I will be surprised if there is anything but music left in there by the end of the year.
We arrived at 7ish and found what looked like a very young and punky crowd. If I said we looked out of place I would be understating. We eventually got to the front of the queue after about half an hour just to be told we were in the wrong place and needed to be one door down. Quite embarrasing. We made our way through the rather confusing venue and managed to bag a little with a great view of the stage.
The support band were okay....couldn't have expected any more from them really. The Automatic however, rocked my world. They sounded just as great as on their album and I loved that I could sing along to every song (listened to the CD 5 times the day of the concert.....that's real dedication). My favourite was the "screamer" of the band. He is such and out there performer and I loved watching him throwing his body around. Sadly not everyone (steve) in our group was as enthralled by their performance as I was. All I can say is there is no accounting for some people's (steve's) taste.
So concert season is off to a good start, tonight is something compeletly different in the form of John Meyer. I have once again been trying to cram some of his songs into my little brain. I will be surprised if there is anything but music left in there by the end of the year.
Monday, October 16, 2006
So today was the first day if my new job. I was really expecting the worst but it all went swimmingly. The people are all friendly and helpful. I managed to get a mail merge done which had been totally freaking me out. There were a few hitches along the way but nothing I couldn't handle.
So all in all a successful experience. I think I am going to be really happy there!
So all in all a successful experience. I think I am going to be really happy there!
Saturday, October 14, 2006
Departed is such sweet sorrow.....
Actually it is just sorrow....
Went to see "The Departed" today. I knew what I was letting myself into but still came out of the cinema feeling rather morose. Don't get me wrong, the acting was beyond brilliant and the story line kept me entertained and guessing. It was just in no way a feel good movie. So, if you feel like a brilliant but depressing film then this is definitely the one for you.
Went to see "The Departed" today. I knew what I was letting myself into but still came out of the cinema feeling rather morose. Don't get me wrong, the acting was beyond brilliant and the story line kept me entertained and guessing. It was just in no way a feel good movie. So, if you feel like a brilliant but depressing film then this is definitely the one for you.
Thursday, October 12, 2006
It's all going down the drain

I am so frickin scarred. Tonight I get a call from my lovely (or so I thought) friend, Steven. His called sounded a bit funny so I asked him where he was. He managed to side step the question but I was persistent and he revealed he was in the bathroom. Que dawning realisation that he is sitting on the on the toilet. aaarrrrrrrrgggggggg I am so mentally scarred right now. I am going to have to keep him at arms length at least .....maybe two arms' length.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Bitter sweet week
So it has arrived. My last week as nanny in the Kanerick/Greenhalgh household and I am just not too sure how to feel. One minute I am radically excited about living in the south with everyone else and the next minute I feel like screaming NNNNNOOOOOOOO.
I had Ian, Steve and Rox over for dinner last night and it was one of the evenings I love to have. Chilled out, food, wine and lots and lots of laughs. This house holds so many good memories of similar evenings and fun days with Saskia. It has been a wonderful year. I had no idea when I took this job that I would come to love these two people as much as I do and I am just so happy that they will continue to be a huge part of my life.
So I guess that is enough introspection. Looking forward, the rest of this year is definitely going to be amazing. Lots of live music, facing winter and looking forward to the prospect of inviting the new year in while skiing down some snowy mountain.
I had Ian, Steve and Rox over for dinner last night and it was one of the evenings I love to have. Chilled out, food, wine and lots and lots of laughs. This house holds so many good memories of similar evenings and fun days with Saskia. It has been a wonderful year. I had no idea when I took this job that I would come to love these two people as much as I do and I am just so happy that they will continue to be a huge part of my life.
So I guess that is enough introspection. Looking forward, the rest of this year is definitely going to be amazing. Lots of live music, facing winter and looking forward to the prospect of inviting the new year in while skiing down some snowy mountain.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Concert review: All American Rejects
Julie won tickets to go see the All American Rejects and she chose me to go with her. I was quite excited having had a crash course in their music. So....
The Good
- The AMR were were def worth it. The sounded amazing, the lighting was amazing and the concert all round was slick and polished
The Bad
- The supporting acts were beyond bad. We had to sit through one and a half hours of really bad bands for an hour of AMR.....was bored and ended up sitting down through as much of it as possible
The Ugly
- We were the oldest people there by about a decade. Who knew that 12 years old's went to concerts like this.
- The people were totally sweaty and gross and I was brushed up against by people who were literally dripping with sweat. I was having to hold back the screams of disgust.
I would Def recommend the AMR's if you have any interest in them. I suggest you go in full waterproof gear and arrive late.
The Good
- The AMR were were def worth it. The sounded amazing, the lighting was amazing and the concert all round was slick and polished
The Bad
- The supporting acts were beyond bad. We had to sit through one and a half hours of really bad bands for an hour of AMR.....was bored and ended up sitting down through as much of it as possible
The Ugly
- We were the oldest people there by about a decade. Who knew that 12 years old's went to concerts like this.
- The people were totally sweaty and gross and I was brushed up against by people who were literally dripping with sweat. I was having to hold back the screams of disgust.
I would Def recommend the AMR's if you have any interest in them. I suggest you go in full waterproof gear and arrive late.
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Fashion Faux Paux
You know in London I see so much outrageous fashion that I rarely bat an eyelash as the offender walks past. But today I almost had to stop my car when I saw this one. Walking towards me was a fairly good looking guy...very rock chic. Skinny black jeans, tight white top and long fringe. So whats the problem I hear you ask.....I just described half of the male london population.....the problem was he was wearing a MOON BAG. (or a fanny pack as the Americans like to call it.) Not only was he wearing but he was wearing it proudly. I would like to state that Moon bags r not okay. Not even if you r a tourist. In this day and age with "man bags" very in fashion and available there is just no excuse.
The band that I never knew I loved

Oh my goodness...just got the Feeder singles album and it phenomenal. Feeder is one of those bands that you hear a song you like the song but you have no idea who sings the song.....This album has all those songs on it. I can just see that the soundtrack to my move across London and immanent new job is going to be this Feeder yourself a favour and get down to the shops and pick up a copy today
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
This is how I am feeling about having to pack up and move accross London
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
The Netball Diaries
Last night I went to watch Foxy play basketball with some of his collegues from work. I was really surprised by how well the teams played and the commitment of some of the people. This is not just a social event....They r deadly serious about their sport.
I was very impressed by Fox and his team...despite the fact that some of the members had never played netball before, they managed to pull together as a team and win most of their games.
Watching them play just reinforced for me that I have no desire what so ever to play team scratch that....I have no desire to play sports what so ever....Spectator to the death tho....
I was very impressed by Fox and his team...despite the fact that some of the members had never played netball before, they managed to pull together as a team and win most of their games.
Watching them play just reinforced for me that I have no desire what so ever to play team scratch that....I have no desire to play sports what so ever....Spectator to the death tho....
Monday, September 25, 2006
We've lost our Chandler and Monica

I LOVE friends....with a passionate passion. Thats friends the program and friends the people in my life. In series ten of "Friends" Monica and Chandler decide that the time has come to move out of the city and start their life in the suburbs. And while the rest of the "Friends" are happy for them because they can see that this is what they really want and that they will be really happy, they r still very very sad.
I have been blessed with lots of amazing friends in London, but I have been doubly blessed by 5 friends who have meant the world to me over the last 8 or 9 months. The friendships have been filled with laughter, good advice and friendly teasing. They have been the most simple and yet the most uplifting friendships I have had. So I am sad to see our funniest (out of three very funny guys) man head back to SA, and our grounded amazing organised lady with him.
You guys will be sorely missed!!!!!
Friday, September 22, 2006
A Hairy Experience
I'm ashamed to admit this but I am scared of my hair dresser. Today I found myself styling my hair very carefully about an hour before I was due to go into the hair dressers...which is a complete waste of time considering he is just going to wash it again. But I just know how judgemental he is....He is a young trendy hair perfectionist and he asks me every time he sees me that "you hate your hair??????"
The thing is he cuts my hair better than anyone ever has. The style doesn't grow out and my hair continues to look amazing months after the cut. So, every two months I carefully style my hair and head off to the salon for an ear bashing about the mistreatment of my hair, and come out feeling slightly less confident but with fabulous hair.
The thing is he cuts my hair better than anyone ever has. The style doesn't grow out and my hair continues to look amazing months after the cut. So, every two months I carefully style my hair and head off to the salon for an ear bashing about the mistreatment of my hair, and come out feeling slightly less confident but with fabulous hair.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
music music all around
Since the V festival I feel like I have stepped into a new world. I don't know if it is my state of mind, or just that my taste in music has changed a bit, but I am blown away by the music out there at the moment. I am switched onto the british music scene and loving the random and wonderful music that is being written. Bands like Hot Chip, The Automatic, Snow Patrol, Kasabian.....I could go on and on...who are writting totally new, beautiful, inspiring music
I am even relating to "ballads", which is a minor miracle. So, YAY for V....showing me that there is more to life than pop and "happy music"
I am even relating to "ballads", which is a minor miracle. So, YAY for V....showing me that there is more to life than pop and "happy music"
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Words, Wide Night
Somewhere on the other side of this wide night
and the distance between us, I am thinking of you.
The room is turning slowly away from the moon.
This is pleasurable. Or shall I cross that out and say
it is sad? In one of the tenses I am singing
an impossible song of desire that you cannot hear.
La lala la. See? I close my eyes and imagine
the dark hills I would have to cross
to reach you. For I am in love with you and this
is what it is like or what it is like in words.
Carol Ann Duffy
and the distance between us, I am thinking of you.
The room is turning slowly away from the moon.
This is pleasurable. Or shall I cross that out and say
it is sad? In one of the tenses I am singing
an impossible song of desire that you cannot hear.
La lala la. See? I close my eyes and imagine
the dark hills I would have to cross
to reach you. For I am in love with you and this
is what it is like or what it is like in words.
Carol Ann Duffy
Monday, September 18, 2006
Less than perfect
So the weekend started off promisingly with a spontaneous walk around london (one of my favourite things to do). On said walk I managed to find my new favourite Starbucks....mmmm starbucks.......
Anyway, then went for drinks with some friends...they repay my kindness by LICKING (yes thats right licking) my face. all over. Including my ear. I was screaming and attracting way too much attention. Then, still feeling traumatised and wimpering to myself I stumbled onto the tube platform and right into a pile of puke.....I'm talking a HUGE pile. And the worst thing is I had open shoes on.....I have to say I was not loving London at that point.
Then on sat...while enjoying my lack of things to do, I somehow managed to put my back out. Well actually I screwed up the muscles in my neck.....badly and so have been feeling sorry for myslef and totally feeble.I was pretty much flat on my back for the whole weekend. Who knew your neck was such an important part of your body? I am totally gratefull for all the times my neck has been loose and nimble....if only it would revert to that state. From now on I will be caring and loving to my neck and try not to stress out too much....come back healthy neck. I need you.
Anyway, then went for drinks with some friends...they repay my kindness by LICKING (yes thats right licking) my face. all over. Including my ear. I was screaming and attracting way too much attention. Then, still feeling traumatised and wimpering to myself I stumbled onto the tube platform and right into a pile of puke.....I'm talking a HUGE pile. And the worst thing is I had open shoes on.....I have to say I was not loving London at that point.
Then on sat...while enjoying my lack of things to do, I somehow managed to put my back out. Well actually I screwed up the muscles in my neck.....badly and so have been feeling sorry for myslef and totally feeble.I was pretty much flat on my back for the whole weekend. Who knew your neck was such an important part of your body? I am totally gratefull for all the times my neck has been loose and nimble....if only it would revert to that state. From now on I will be caring and loving to my neck and try not to stress out too much....come back healthy neck. I need you.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
It's all happening
Today I bit the bullet and gave in my notice. Anyone who has been anywhere near me in the last couple weeks would know how much I have been dreading telling my boss I am leaving. But after having been given a start date for my new job and realising I was on the one month threshhold, there was no excuses any more.
The thing is Laura took it so so well. I could see she was shocked and upset but she tried so hard to be happy for me. So all my stress was pretty much for nothing. Now the real work begins....flat stuff. I am really really excited and I know my last month here is going to fly by.....
The thing is Laura took it so so well. I could see she was shocked and upset but she tried so hard to be happy for me. So all my stress was pretty much for nothing. Now the real work begins....flat stuff. I am really really excited and I know my last month here is going to fly by.....
Saturday, September 09, 2006
Why is TV so bad on a saturday night???
why?????? why?????
Some people stay home on a saturday night...and we are not sad friendless people.....we would appreciate something worth watching.....anything.....PLEASE
Some people stay home on a saturday night...and we are not sad friendless people.....we would appreciate something worth watching.....anything.....PLEASE
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Monday, September 04, 2006
Band Name Origins
This kind of thing fascinates me.
GOO GOO DOLLS - used to be called the Sex Maggots, and when they were told that local newspapers wouldn't print that name, Jonny Rzeznik picked up a magazine from the early 60's with an ad for a doll that cried Goo Goo when you turned it upside down. (Me thinks they would not have been nearly as popular if they had stuck with Sex Maggots)
CHUMBAWAMBA - In a band member's dream, he didn't know which door to use in a public toilet because the signs said "Chumba" and "Wamba" instead of "Men" and "Women"
FOO FIGHTERS - a term used by World War II pilots to describe strange flying fireballs they sometimes saw.
SAVAGE GARDEN - a phrase from an Anne Rice novel "Interview With The Vampire"
SILVERCHAIR - 1) The Silver Chair is one of the titles in C.S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia" in which Prince Rilian of Narnia is held captive under the spell of the witch who killed his mother.
During brief moments of returning sanity he is restrained in a silver chair. He is rescued when two children magically transported from earth, and a dour resident of Narnia find him and destroy the chair thereby lifting the curse. 2) A combination of "Sliver" by Nirvana and "Berlin Chair" by You Am I. They were requesting the songs from a radio station and the name was inspired by notes a band member made to himself to remember the song titles while he was calling the station. * Original name of band: Innocent Criminals.
U2 - Three possibilities: 1) A type of spy plane used by the United States in the 1960's - made famous when Gary Powers' U2 plane was shot down over Russia and he was taken as a
prisoner during the Cold War. 2) U2 as in "you too" referring to the audience and its role in the musical experience 3) a U2 is an unemployment form in Ireland (see UB40)
GOO GOO DOLLS - used to be called the Sex Maggots, and when they were told that local newspapers wouldn't print that name, Jonny Rzeznik picked up a magazine from the early 60's with an ad for a doll that cried Goo Goo when you turned it upside down. (Me thinks they would not have been nearly as popular if they had stuck with Sex Maggots)
CHUMBAWAMBA - In a band member's dream, he didn't know which door to use in a public toilet because the signs said "Chumba" and "Wamba" instead of "Men" and "Women"
FOO FIGHTERS - a term used by World War II pilots to describe strange flying fireballs they sometimes saw.
SAVAGE GARDEN - a phrase from an Anne Rice novel "Interview With The Vampire"
SILVERCHAIR - 1) The Silver Chair is one of the titles in C.S. Lewis' "Chronicles of Narnia" in which Prince Rilian of Narnia is held captive under the spell of the witch who killed his mother.
During brief moments of returning sanity he is restrained in a silver chair. He is rescued when two children magically transported from earth, and a dour resident of Narnia find him and destroy the chair thereby lifting the curse. 2) A combination of "Sliver" by Nirvana and "Berlin Chair" by You Am I. They were requesting the songs from a radio station and the name was inspired by notes a band member made to himself to remember the song titles while he was calling the station. * Original name of band: Innocent Criminals.
U2 - Three possibilities: 1) A type of spy plane used by the United States in the 1960's - made famous when Gary Powers' U2 plane was shot down over Russia and he was taken as a
prisoner during the Cold War. 2) U2 as in "you too" referring to the audience and its role in the musical experience 3) a U2 is an unemployment form in Ireland (see UB40)
Today is a really sad day. Steve Irwin (crocodile hunter) has died. He died while making an underwater documentary when he was stung by a sting ray on the chest. The thing that amazed me was that the whole world has been shocked and sadened by his death. Clearly this man was doing something right, he was loved by millions of people all over the globe. He conducted his life with integrity and passion and had an impact on the world around him. It is devestating that someone so young and full of life has died but his family can take a smidge of comfort in the fact that he lived life to the absolute full and died doing what he loved. Steve is someone that I look up to and respect. The world is going to be so much duller without the crocodile hunter.
The Devil Wears Prada - A Book Review

I have wanted to read this book for a while, mostly, I have to say, because the movie is coming out soon and I NEVER like to read the book after having seen the movie. I had heard good things about this book, so my expectations were high. But this book still managed to blow me away. There is nothing particularly fancy or inovative about it, it is just a cracking story. I related 100% to the main character and was desperate to see how she would turn out. I could not put the book down and so managed to finish it in under 2 days. A miracle in London town (I usually struggle to finish books for weeks). This book gets my whole-hearted recommendation, and don't cheat by going to see the movie!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Lights, music, BOXES

Last night, after celebarting Rory's 25th birthday on a ship with a pirate theme, we headed down to Waterloo station to check out some boxes, which when you sit on, play an instrument from an orchestra. When enough people sit on enough boxes you get a symphony. Everyone was sitting clamly on the boxes enjoying the ambiance... and then Rox, Ian, Rory and I rocked up laughing loadly complaining we could not hear any music coming from our boxes. It was a typical London experience, something totally random and magical.....THAT is why I love this city - you never know what is around the next corner
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Teenage Drama

So Today I watched the last ever episode of Dawsons Creek. Sad I know for someone of my age and cynisim to be watching such drivel but this show saw me all the way through high school. It started when I was in standard 6 but I never got to see the last series due to some untimely country hopping.
Anyway, I bawled my eyes out for two hours ,but I feel like I finally got some closure on a big chapter on my life......and in the end the bad boy with the good heart one out and I got my happy ending.
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
V top 3
So I did say I would do my top three bands from goes
1. Faithless
sadly we only saw half the act but it was phenomenal. The crowd was totally in sync singing along. It was like being a part of some kind of huge organism. Steve said he felt like he was in the scene from the matrix where they are at that huge rave and I have to say that pretty much sums it up.
Have liked them for a while but they were way better live than on their Cd. the lead singer has a great accent and is damn good looking so all in all it was fun to watch.
3. Butch Walker
Had no Idea who this guy was or anything about his music but he entertained so well it didn't matter. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand. I think this guy is what festivals are all about. Being blown away by something you had no idea existed.
I know I said in my e-mail that I won't go again but I can't stop thinking about the weekend....I think I might have found my new hobby...
1. Faithless
sadly we only saw half the act but it was phenomenal. The crowd was totally in sync singing along. It was like being a part of some kind of huge organism. Steve said he felt like he was in the scene from the matrix where they are at that huge rave and I have to say that pretty much sums it up.
Have liked them for a while but they were way better live than on their Cd. the lead singer has a great accent and is damn good looking so all in all it was fun to watch.
3. Butch Walker
Had no Idea who this guy was or anything about his music but he entertained so well it didn't matter. He had the crowd in the palm of his hand. I think this guy is what festivals are all about. Being blown away by something you had no idea existed.
I know I said in my e-mail that I won't go again but I can't stop thinking about the weekend....I think I might have found my new hobby...
Monday, August 28, 2006
Theme Park madness
It was Saskia's birthday on Friday the 25th and I gave her a trip to Legoland. So today was D day. Happily Rox and Ian (or Tagg and Fox and they are affectionately known) came along and we set off at a fairly early hour this morning. The park was amazing...the best bit was the mini cities, including mini Buckingham Palace, London Eye and St Pauls...all made out of Lego. Amazing.
The rides were pretty fun. Not aimed at at adults but we had a good laugh. Will post some photo's if I get hold of them.
The rides were pretty fun. Not aimed at at adults but we had a good laugh. Will post some photo's if I get hold of them.
Sunday, August 27, 2006

So...I had little expectations of Paris having heard some very mixed reviews, but I was pleasently surprised. Guin and I managed to cram a lot into very little time and my highlight was definetly the Eiffel Tower. It was very beautiful and I was struck by just how romantic a setting it was (where has my cynisim gone?) I really loved the latin quater with all it's greek restaurants and creperies. The weather was perfect and it was a thoroughly enjoyable trip, just over way too quickly.
The Good
- The bands, Check out above for my top three but even people I had never heard of were amazing
- The weather, didn't rain during at all while we were watching was not too hot, not too cold. Perfect
- The crowd, The best thing about watching the big bands was being part of the crowd who r just going crazy for some band.....jumping and screaming in appreciation. Amazing
The Bad
- The food, was not great. Lots of fatty fried food and junk
- The crowd, trying to walk from one stage to another was like swimming up stream. No matter which way you're going, you're always going up stream.... drunk crowds....hard to deal with
The Ugly
- The toilets, OH MY GOODNESS, I have never seen, or smelt, anything so disgusting in my entire life. I did not expect to be confronted by 50000 people's bodily waste this weekend. I think if I can manage that, I can take on the WORLD.....
- me, by the end of the weekend. Don't want to give away too many secrets but it was not a pretty sight. Major respect to Steve for putting up with me in my ever worsening moods....
- The bands, Check out above for my top three but even people I had never heard of were amazing
- The weather, didn't rain during at all while we were watching was not too hot, not too cold. Perfect
- The crowd, The best thing about watching the big bands was being part of the crowd who r just going crazy for some band.....jumping and screaming in appreciation. Amazing
The Bad
- The food, was not great. Lots of fatty fried food and junk
- The crowd, trying to walk from one stage to another was like swimming up stream. No matter which way you're going, you're always going up stream.... drunk crowds....hard to deal with
The Ugly
- The toilets, OH MY GOODNESS, I have never seen, or smelt, anything so disgusting in my entire life. I did not expect to be confronted by 50000 people's bodily waste this weekend. I think if I can manage that, I can take on the WORLD.....
- me, by the end of the weekend. Don't want to give away too many secrets but it was not a pretty sight. Major respect to Steve for putting up with me in my ever worsening moods....
Thursday, August 17, 2006
I am the luckiest girl alive!!!!
This is it.....I feel like I am finally living the London experience I have always wanted. Today I got the shock of my life when I open my mail and found V Festival tickets. I have to admit I was shaking and screaming with excitement. I entered a competion online and even though I eneterd about 100 times, the thought that I might actually win, never entered my mind.
Secondly I am going to paris for a night and 2 days next week with an old friend who I haven't hung out with in ages. The great thing is she is a travel agent so the trip is pretty I'm not worried about missioning off to see the sights.
I am so excited about this week. I have been working my but off for the last 3 months and I feel like these two trips are going to make it all worth while.
Secondly I am going to paris for a night and 2 days next week with an old friend who I haven't hung out with in ages. The great thing is she is a travel agent so the trip is pretty I'm not worried about missioning off to see the sights.
I am so excited about this week. I have been working my but off for the last 3 months and I feel like these two trips are going to make it all worth while.
The MEME of three.
1... Things that scare me.
a. Snakes
b. The idea of travelling aline to a country where they speak anything other than English
c. Spiders
2...People who make me laugh.
a. Ian
B. Rory
C. my brother Ryan
3...Things I hate the most.
a. Being woken up
B. People who are consistently late
C. Hearing other people kiss or chew their food noisily
4...Things I don't understand.
a. How aeroplanes work
B. How pigeons always manage to shit on you or right on the middle of your car windscreen
C. why boys....well why boys do anything really
5...Things I'm doing right now.
a. Typing
B. Thinking about getting some breakfast
C. Sitting in a fairly darkened room
6...Things I want to do before I die.
a. Travel on my own to a country where they don't speak english
B. Marry
C. Write for rolling stone magazine
7... Things I can do.
a. Laugh
B. Cry
C. Shop
8... Ways to describe my personality.
a. Happy
B. Excitable
c. Loving
9...Things I can't do.
a. Stay mad for as long as I would like to
B. Not cry during stupid programs like friends and Days of out Lives
C. Be happy ALL the times
10...Things I think you should listen to.
a. The bible
B. Music that you love
C. Your parents (doesn't mean you have to do what they say...just listen)
11...Things you should never listen to.
a. Children crying incessantly
B. Unsolicited advice
C. Other people kissing or chewing their food loudly
12...Things I'd like to learn.
a. Everything I can about the bible
B. How to throw a rugby ball without looking like a total girl
C. Hpw to be the happiest I can be
13...Favorite foods.
a. Thai
B. Sushi
C. My step-moms macaroni
14...Beverages I drink regularly.
a. Tea
B. Zero Coke
C. Starbucks Coffee
15...Shows I watched as a kid.
a. Care Bears
B. Gummi Bears
C. Pumpkin Patch
16. People I'm tagging Next
a. Snakes
b. The idea of travelling aline to a country where they speak anything other than English
c. Spiders
2...People who make me laugh.
a. Ian
B. Rory
C. my brother Ryan
3...Things I hate the most.
a. Being woken up
B. People who are consistently late
C. Hearing other people kiss or chew their food noisily
4...Things I don't understand.
a. How aeroplanes work
B. How pigeons always manage to shit on you or right on the middle of your car windscreen
C. why boys....well why boys do anything really
5...Things I'm doing right now.
a. Typing
B. Thinking about getting some breakfast
C. Sitting in a fairly darkened room
6...Things I want to do before I die.
a. Travel on my own to a country where they don't speak english
B. Marry
C. Write for rolling stone magazine
7... Things I can do.
a. Laugh
B. Cry
C. Shop
8... Ways to describe my personality.
a. Happy
B. Excitable
c. Loving
9...Things I can't do.
a. Stay mad for as long as I would like to
B. Not cry during stupid programs like friends and Days of out Lives
C. Be happy ALL the times
10...Things I think you should listen to.
a. The bible
B. Music that you love
C. Your parents (doesn't mean you have to do what they say...just listen)
11...Things you should never listen to.
a. Children crying incessantly
B. Unsolicited advice
C. Other people kissing or chewing their food loudly
12...Things I'd like to learn.
a. Everything I can about the bible
B. How to throw a rugby ball without looking like a total girl
C. Hpw to be the happiest I can be
13...Favorite foods.
a. Thai
B. Sushi
C. My step-moms macaroni
14...Beverages I drink regularly.
a. Tea
B. Zero Coke
C. Starbucks Coffee
15...Shows I watched as a kid.
a. Care Bears
B. Gummi Bears
C. Pumpkin Patch
16. People I'm tagging Next
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Monday, August 14, 2006
Good times
Lately I have been spending more and more time at home with DVD's for company, due mostly, to a lack of funds. I have ventured out 3 times in the last week or so and (because I have been more selective about outings) I have found them to be exactly the refreshing and fun experiences I was craving.
Saturday night I spent some time with Tagg. It has been a few weeks since we last really caught up (not from lack of trying on each of our behalves) and though I would love to be able to spend more time with her, I agree with the addage "absence makes the heart grow fonder". As always we ended up nattering away till way too late and I just managed to catch the last train home. Anyway all these meetings and fun times have just reminded me that it doesn't matter where you's all about the peeps. and while there a few people missing, (who will soon be joining me on this side of the world) it just doesn't get any better then this. If time could stand still, I would be happy for it to stop here for a while.
Saturday night I spent some time with Tagg. It has been a few weeks since we last really caught up (not from lack of trying on each of our behalves) and though I would love to be able to spend more time with her, I agree with the addage "absence makes the heart grow fonder". As always we ended up nattering away till way too late and I just managed to catch the last train home. Anyway all these meetings and fun times have just reminded me that it doesn't matter where you's all about the peeps. and while there a few people missing, (who will soon be joining me on this side of the world) it just doesn't get any better then this. If time could stand still, I would be happy for it to stop here for a while.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Friday night found me, Rox and Jo were sitting in Piccadilly Circus enjoying the lovely evening and watching the people around us when all of a sudden I was attacked by air and land. It was a well co-ordinated mission that left little doubt I was the target. Yes, I was attacked by "Pigeon squadron 219". I was trying to hold down an intelligent conversation but was being dive bombed and then pecked at. I turned around and told them to "Back off" but this had absolutely no effect and so I had to resort to using my coke bottle as a shield and weapon. I could tell how menacing and scary I was by Rox and Jo's peals of laughter and was only rescued by us having to leave to meet some friends.
Scarred as I am by this unprevoked attack I have resolved to face my fears and venture out into this pigeon infested city once more.....I will not be defeated by a bunch of bloody pigeons!!!!!
Monday, August 07, 2006
2 of my favourite things
So I have had to resort to sitting in starbucks with a cup of coffee in order to get my internet fix.....hard I know. I am officially on holiday and while I can't afford to go anywhere I am going to take full advantage.....and today I am enjoying a rainy London day sitting at a window seat watching the world go by and listening to Louis Armstrong. London just does not get any better than this...
Someone asked me on friday night why I love london so much, and I just could not put my passion for this city into words..... I think for me it boils down to options..... In london you r never short of things to do. Infact you can choose between 100 different things on a daily basis....and when you're feeling lazy you don't have to travel more than 2 monutes from your house to find your local starbucks for hours of plesent reading/blogging......
Someone asked me on friday night why I love london so much, and I just could not put my passion for this city into words..... I think for me it boils down to options..... In london you r never short of things to do. Infact you can choose between 100 different things on a daily basis....and when you're feeling lazy you don't have to travel more than 2 monutes from your house to find your local starbucks for hours of plesent reading/blogging......
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Yeah??? what
I've been quiet for about a week now....but I'm sick (and tired), I'm working a lot and my ineternet on my computer is not working if you don't hear from me in a know why
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Just found out the wierdest thing...... Britney Spears' song "Oops I Did it Again" was originally done by Louis Armstrong. You can hear it here.
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
DIGGin' it
Seriously, Briggs is such a wealth of information. I went to check out a site called Digg on her recommendation and it is a lot of fun. I have wasted a good few hours on there already today. The idea is that you "digg" an article or not....which is harmless fun. The thing that surprised me is you can rate the comments people leave on each article. So I'm sitting there rating comments left right and center and suddenly I just felt so, so mean.... I felt like I was ganging up or critising people for having an opinion. Okay so some people had some messed up opinions but still..... I would love to know what the site's creator was thinking when they made that an option.....
I'm a little scared to leave a comment for fear of being relegated to a -10 (or something)
I'm a little scared to leave a comment for fear of being relegated to a -10 (or something)
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Guilt free pleasure

I am addicted to magazines....and I have had to learn to curb my magazine addiction as most of them are filled with rubbish gossip which I inadvertently end up believing. But in the last year I have discovered something amazing. A magazine with the right mixture of entertainment and relevant information. What is this miracle called, I hear you ask.....Rolling Stone.
This magazine manages to enthrall me and teach me something every month. From the latest issue I have learnt about Johnny Depp, visited Namibia by way of beautiful photo's and learnt all about Al Gore's stance on climate change.....all in one magazine.
Now I can happily feed my addiction without any guilt or reprimand from worried friends.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Sweet Bliss
After many weeks of seemingly endless work and hectic social activites, I finally got a break. Sas was at her dad, Laura was in L.A., and while I had things to do it was balanced perfectly with having nothing to do. I spent a lot of time watching TV and re-reading the 6th Harry Potter and I have to say it was a blissfull weekend. If only I had a few more of these I might be a happier, less stressed Bronny.
It's all good fun.....Isn't it?

I heard about something amazing. It's called Street Wars. It is a game played with water pistol where you are given a "target" and told to "take them out". At first I was enthralled and was wondering if there was any way I could get in on this despite the fact that entry was closed. Then I stared thinking.....
What would happen if someone were to pull out a water pistol in the middle of a tube station. Imagine the panic and mayhem that would ensue. This thing has the potential to cause a lot of problems esp seeing as we have just had the one year aniversary of the London Bombings. It seems slightly insensitive and callous. I am interested to see if this makes into the news or if the whole thing goes on trouble free.....
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
This weekend was hectic. Far from being the relaxing time I had planned I ended up filling the weekend with things to do as usual.
I managed to go out to dinner watch a dvd with friends, have a braai, go to Snetterton race track, Great Yarmouth and Cambridge all in one weekend. I am fairly impressed with myself. And while it was an entertaining weekend the most fun came from something small - Ian throwing my slip-slop into the middle of the pavement. I think the aim was to watch people's reaction and I have to admit it kept me amused for way longer than it should have. Most people just stepped over it, pretending it wasn't there. Some people did a double take (it is bright pink after all) and a few people made the connection with me on the embankment sans slop. As a self-confessed people watcher it was fascinating. Who needs to go punting down the river (though it was pretty) when all you need is a busy pavement and a slop.
I managed to go out to dinner watch a dvd with friends, have a braai, go to Snetterton race track, Great Yarmouth and Cambridge all in one weekend. I am fairly impressed with myself. And while it was an entertaining weekend the most fun came from something small - Ian throwing my slip-slop into the middle of the pavement. I think the aim was to watch people's reaction and I have to admit it kept me amused for way longer than it should have. Most people just stepped over it, pretending it wasn't there. Some people did a double take (it is bright pink after all) and a few people made the connection with me on the embankment sans slop. As a self-confessed people watcher it was fascinating. Who needs to go punting down the river (though it was pretty) when all you need is a busy pavement and a slop.
Friday, July 14, 2006
So Briggs pointed out on her blog that a new war started this week between Israel and Lebanon. And while I was totally aware of what was going on I had not acknowledged to myself that it was a war. To be honest I just thought it was an extention of Bush's attack on "terrorism". (?????)
I think I have become totally numb to the horrifing world attrocities. Although I have prayed for people in India after the bombing earlier in the week I haven't really spent much time thinking bout it. True I have a lot of my own problems on the go at the moment but I think it is more than that. I have just started blocking it out. I barely let the facts filter into my brain before I shove them right back out again. I don't know if it is selfishness or if it has just gotten to the point now where the world is so crazy and stuffed up that I am no longer shocked and surprised when these things happen. I almost expect them and so don't need to think about each actual event. The world does not seemed to have stopped bombing and fighting and dying since september 11 and I see no end to it. I've thought about giving myself a wake up call and having a serious look at the world I live in, and then I think, why bother..... cynical I know.
I think I have become totally numb to the horrifing world attrocities. Although I have prayed for people in India after the bombing earlier in the week I haven't really spent much time thinking bout it. True I have a lot of my own problems on the go at the moment but I think it is more than that. I have just started blocking it out. I barely let the facts filter into my brain before I shove them right back out again. I don't know if it is selfishness or if it has just gotten to the point now where the world is so crazy and stuffed up that I am no longer shocked and surprised when these things happen. I almost expect them and so don't need to think about each actual event. The world does not seemed to have stopped bombing and fighting and dying since september 11 and I see no end to it. I've thought about giving myself a wake up call and having a serious look at the world I live in, and then I think, why bother..... cynical I know.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Amanda unboomed
So I recently posted an entry about Rocketboom loosing its presenter. I thought at the time that she had left to pursue better options but turns out she was fired. To cut a long story short she pretty much screwed herself over by not having a signed contract with her "partner" and now despite having done all the work on Rocketboom she is left with nothing....nasty.
Let that be a lesson to us all...a little chat does not a binding contract make!!!
Let that be a lesson to us all...a little chat does not a binding contract make!!!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Bored anyone???
a friend of mine is doing some research. Pls take 5 mins and fill out the quiz. She will be eternally gratefull.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Blooming awefull

Went to see Pirate of the Caribean 2 on saturday night. I was quite looking forward to it. It wasn't brilliant. It was exactly what the previews had said it was.... a fluffy summer blockbuster. I didn't feel terribly passionate about it one way or the other.
The one thing I did have a strong reaction too though was Orlando Blooms terrible acting. I have no idea how the man is manging to make a living. He is so so wooden and just no fun at all. Maybe it was particularly noticable next to the brilliant (not to mention beautiful) Johnny Depp. I wish I could say I would be able to avoid all future Orlando Bloom nightmares but I will have to see the third Pirates movies.....I'm sure I'll be able to suffer through it ;-)
Nothing to say
I have absolutely nothing of interest to say. I honestly just feel like a good old moan.....
How was my weekend????? I could say good. I got to chill out in an amazing flat with my favourite people in London and then saw the big summer block buster (more on that later). Sunday I enjoyed all the Boat House has to offer with the same fabulous friends before heading off to church for some much needed God time. So I should have had a good weekend. Instead I am feeling tired and grumpy and slightly on edge. Which begs the question what does it take to satisfy me??? Someone to whisk me off to Harrods for an all expnses shopping trip maybe?
How was my weekend????? I could say good. I got to chill out in an amazing flat with my favourite people in London and then saw the big summer block buster (more on that later). Sunday I enjoyed all the Boat House has to offer with the same fabulous friends before heading off to church for some much needed God time. So I should have had a good weekend. Instead I am feeling tired and grumpy and slightly on edge. Which begs the question what does it take to satisfy me??? Someone to whisk me off to Harrods for an all expnses shopping trip maybe?
I have been waiting for a week for my latest fix of rocketboom and so today when I logged on with great anticipation I was devested to find out that the presenter amanda congdon has left the show.... I am not happy.
Come back amanda....rocketboom will not be the same without you.

(go check it out...great for random and intersting info)
Come back amanda....rocketboom will not be the same without you.

(go check it out...great for random and intersting info)
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Paintings come to life

Today was Saskia's school concert. We rushed down there at 8:30 only to find that people had resereved the first 1000 rows and we had to fight to get any seat at all. After an hour and 15 min wait the group of 5 and 6 year old bounded onto the stage to enthrall us for an hour. I laughed till I cried for that full hour. The concept was a gallery where the paintings come to life. The dancing and singing was gorgeous and the highlight for me was 5 kids TRYING to do the can-can. Too cute. Sas was beautiful.She was one of the sunflowers in the "Van Gough" painting. I was so proud to be her nanny. She was definetly the star...and no I am not biased
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
The stalking continues
So I have become somewhat of a celebrity magnet....Today I nearly ran over Natalie Appleton (formally of All Saints fame, who are rumoured to be getting back together) and nearly ran into Kinga (who was last years dogiest Big Brother housemate - no wait the dogiest housemate ever!!!!) Don't ask me what it is about me but I am drawing them like moths to a flame at the
So frickin scared!!!!!!
So I have postponed the essay writting section of my course for far too long. The time has come to sit down and get writting. The thing is, I just don't know where to start. I haven't done anything remotely like this since I left matric 5 years ago and I seem to have forgotten all the skills I learn't.
So friday I am heading to the library at the theological college I am studying through. To be honest I am praying for divine inspiration....
So friday I am heading to the library at the theological college I am studying through. To be honest I am praying for divine inspiration....
Monday, July 03, 2006
Dancing Queens
Up untill this point I have managed to avoid posting about Big Brother. But last nights show was too good to be true. The daily task for the housemates involved dressing up in bright lycra clothing and dancing with blinds on to an mp3 player with just three songs on it. I was crying with laughter. I'm sure you can imagine what 8 or so people look like dancing around in silence. That was by far the best task I have ever seen on big brother. Wish I had taped it so I could play it whenever I was feeling sad.....
Sunday, July 02, 2006

Yesterday I went out to SURBITON - Mainly for a fundraiser and to support a friend but we ended up watching the football in the pub we were in. I have to say that each game I watch gets a little more exciting and yesterday was the all important quater finals. The game wasn't terribly interesting. But the fans.... They were fantastic. The more tense it got the more they were singing and clapping. They would also shout random things like, "Get in" and "who are ya, who are ya". I happened to be sitting next to the biggest football fan who knew everything and really believed the england team could hear all the instructions he was shouting at them. I edged further and further away from him as he started repeatedly banging his hand on the table.
We lost, but it was by far the most enetertained I have been in a football game. England football fans are amazing.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
This song by Lily Allen really sums up how I feel about London. Don't know if any of you can relate to this....
Riding through the city on my bike all day
Cause the filth took away my licence
It doesn't get me down and I feel ok
Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless
Everything seems to look as it should
But I wonder what goes on behind doors
A fella looking dapper, but he's sittin with a slapper
Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore
You might laugh you might frown
Walkin' round London town
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies
There was a little old lady, who was walkin down the road
She was struggling with bags from Tesco
There were people from the city havin lunch in the park
I believe that it's called al fresco
Then a kid came along to offer a hand
But before she had time to accept it
hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead
Cause he's got all her jewellery and wallet
You might laugh you might frown
walkin round London town
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies
Life, that's city life, yeah that's city life, that's city life
Life, that's city life, yeah that's city life, that's city life
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Riding through the city on my bike all day
Cause the filth took away my licence
It doesn't get me down and I feel ok
Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless
Everything seems to look as it should
But I wonder what goes on behind doors
A fella looking dapper, but he's sittin with a slapper
Then I see it's a pimp and his crack whore
You might laugh you might frown
Walkin' round London town
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies
There was a little old lady, who was walkin down the road
She was struggling with bags from Tesco
There were people from the city havin lunch in the park
I believe that it's called al fresco
Then a kid came along to offer a hand
But before she had time to accept it
hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead
Cause he's got all her jewellery and wallet
You might laugh you might frown
walkin round London town
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
When you look with your eyes
Everything seems nice
But if you look twice
you can see it's all lies
Life, that's city life, yeah that's city life, that's city life
Life, that's city life, yeah that's city life, that's city life
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else
Sun is in the sky oh why oh why ?
Would I wanna be anywhere else

I watched "Cold Mountain" last night, and I have to say it was pure torture from start to finish. This has nothing to do with the acting or anything like that, it was just a crap story. The loved up couple r kept apart for 90% of the movie and then at the end the man rubbish is that.
My feelings is difficult enought as it is.....why confront yourself with even more hardship during relaxing dvd time???? All movies with rubbish endings should come with a warning on the box cover.....warning, the object of this movie is to leave you feeling like shit.....
So bring on the pointless teen movies and hopeless romcoms.
Monday, June 26, 2006
Weekend observations
Another fun filled weekend. Can't believe there was a time where I was able to relax on the weekend. (hey I'm not complaining...I'm loving it)
Instead of giving the normal run down of weekend events here r a few things I noticed this weekend:
1. People r wierd.
Went to a pub a saw wierd people doing wierd things. People who are drunk are generally unattractive and strange!!!
2. Going to Hyde park when the 02 festival is on is not the greatest idea. I was surrounded by beeping trucks and lots of people.....but, I did get to hear some cool music
3. Girls nights in rock....
...esp when you get thai food and Lee Evans in the mix
4. I'm kinda into football
although only if it's a world cup game and England are playing. Otherwise I couldn't care less. (and I have to be watching with people who r really into it)
5. HTB is an awesome church and I am loving everything about it at the moment. esp the people I have met recently. yay for friends and wonderful evenings eating flapjacks in the church gardens
Instead of giving the normal run down of weekend events here r a few things I noticed this weekend:
1. People r wierd.
Went to a pub a saw wierd people doing wierd things. People who are drunk are generally unattractive and strange!!!
2. Going to Hyde park when the 02 festival is on is not the greatest idea. I was surrounded by beeping trucks and lots of people.....but, I did get to hear some cool music
3. Girls nights in rock....
...esp when you get thai food and Lee Evans in the mix
4. I'm kinda into football
although only if it's a world cup game and England are playing. Otherwise I couldn't care less. (and I have to be watching with people who r really into it)
5. HTB is an awesome church and I am loving everything about it at the moment. esp the people I have met recently. yay for friends and wonderful evenings eating flapjacks in the church gardens
Friday, June 23, 2006
The cat shat (he he - but eeeeeewww) all over the sofa this morning. And I had to clean it up. Was close to puking. Such a nice way to spend my day off.....
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Sassy Files No.3
This is too cute:
Everytime Sas thinks she has thought of something particularly cleaver she taps her head and says, "well done brain". Gets me everytime.
Love that little girl
Everytime Sas thinks she has thought of something particularly cleaver she taps her head and says, "well done brain". Gets me everytime.
Love that little girl
Phenomenal Inspiration
So, I've started watching Oprah again recently, and while I am only watching for the shows when she interviews some movie star or something I watched an amazing show today.
It was all about inspirational people who have survived against the odds or who have done something wonderful. I found my eyes welling up at every story from a dog who only has 2 legs and has learnt to walk on them to a little boy who survived a stabbing from his own father (stabbed 6 times in the head and body and managed to make a 911 phone call that saved his life). Oprah's closing line was "when you're having a bad day, remember these faces". I can safely say those faces are etched in my memory....
It was all about inspirational people who have survived against the odds or who have done something wonderful. I found my eyes welling up at every story from a dog who only has 2 legs and has learnt to walk on them to a little boy who survived a stabbing from his own father (stabbed 6 times in the head and body and managed to make a 911 phone call that saved his life). Oprah's closing line was "when you're having a bad day, remember these faces". I can safely say those faces are etched in my memory....
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Endless hours of fun
So Sarah mentioned this site Song Tapper on her blog. It is so much fun. Thing I really enjoy though is that no matter what I tap Kaiser cheifs seems to have a song for that Rythym....seems like some kind of marketing ploy to me. Go check it out for yourself
Monday, June 19, 2006
On second thoughts
I was going to moan about the extra half an hour it took me to get home last night, cause the bakerloo line wasn't open at Paddington and I had to travel all over London trying to get home. Then I read some guys blog about being stuck behind another tube for 90 mins and then having to walk out the tunnel. They were in darkness and the air was getting thin.....So I did a rethink and got grateful that I got home.
Weekend chit chat
Where do I start with this weekend? Well it has been a busy one. As summer steams on (literally steams), life seems to be picking up pace. After hybernating through most of winter it seems like there are now not nearly enough hours in the day.
I met up with Carlene for a coffee (and chocolate fudge chocolate cake). Then rushed around trying to get down to Julies house and get to a club in Clapham where our friend Kinglsey was DJ'ing. After he told us to be there at 8:30 to ensure we wouldn't miss out, we managed to rock up there at 9:40 and just snuck in before they stuck up the blue rope. It was well worth all the effort. The club, Lost Society, was amazing. Beutifully decorated and seriously over priced!!! The company and the music more than made up for the expensive drinks prices. Kingsley rocked and looked like he was loving every minute behind the decks.
After a major mission home and Julie's noisy flatmates we made it to bed just as the sun was peeking it's head over the horizon. Needless to say I was useless on saturday and had a lazy day in the park and then babysat. I read Saskia the funniest book ever called "walter the farting dog". Rox and I could not even read at one point we were laughing so hard. We chilled on Howards balcony, watching the people in the park below and just appreciating all London has to offer.
Sunday was awesome. Hillsong then Picnic on the HTB grounds, chilling with old and new friends. The wonderfull Julie was baptised and I was thrilled to be there for that.
I have to say that it's weekends like this that make me love London. Chilling with amazing people and being out enjoying this amazing city. Hello summer and hello London
I met up with Carlene for a coffee (and chocolate fudge chocolate cake). Then rushed around trying to get down to Julies house and get to a club in Clapham where our friend Kinglsey was DJ'ing. After he told us to be there at 8:30 to ensure we wouldn't miss out, we managed to rock up there at 9:40 and just snuck in before they stuck up the blue rope. It was well worth all the effort. The club, Lost Society, was amazing. Beutifully decorated and seriously over priced!!! The company and the music more than made up for the expensive drinks prices. Kingsley rocked and looked like he was loving every minute behind the decks.
After a major mission home and Julie's noisy flatmates we made it to bed just as the sun was peeking it's head over the horizon. Needless to say I was useless on saturday and had a lazy day in the park and then babysat. I read Saskia the funniest book ever called "walter the farting dog". Rox and I could not even read at one point we were laughing so hard. We chilled on Howards balcony, watching the people in the park below and just appreciating all London has to offer.
Sunday was awesome. Hillsong then Picnic on the HTB grounds, chilling with old and new friends. The wonderfull Julie was baptised and I was thrilled to be there for that.
I have to say that it's weekends like this that make me love London. Chilling with amazing people and being out enjoying this amazing city. Hello summer and hello London
Thursday, June 15, 2006
At 23, you really can be too old
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
You know you're a softie when..... cry your way through an episode of Home and Away (Flynn Died okay).
BUT, you know you're an idiot when you cry through Home and Away 2 days in a row. I can make no excuses. Thats just who I am!!!
BUT, you know you're an idiot when you cry through Home and Away 2 days in a row. I can make no excuses. Thats just who I am!!!
Monday, June 12, 2006
I take it back.....
I enjoyed winter okay....there is no need to punish me with these hellishly hot tempretures. I will not complain about the cold again.
Who knew England could produce 4 days of 30 degree temps. I am not complaining, I am just bitter cause I got burnt and now have to stay out the sun......
Who knew England could produce 4 days of 30 degree temps. I am not complaining, I am just bitter cause I got burnt and now have to stay out the sun......
Sun, Sea and Alpha
Wow, what a weekend. This has been one of the most choc a block, fun filled weekends I have had in ages.
Friday I met up with a friend from home who I haven't seen in 2 years. She and her boyfriend had not seen the London sights yet so I took them on a 5 hour walking tour. I was wearing the most impractical shoes and so was in serious pain by the end of the day. But the sun was shining and I was wondering around a city I loved and so it was all good. 6 'o Clock I headed the the station to meet up with some friends to catch the train to Chichester. This weekend was the Alpha weekend away. After much hilarity and tripping down the length of a very long train we arrived at the holiday resort type thing and settled in.
Saturday was a day of talks and discusions followed by the football. As you can see below I had no interest in watching the football so I went and lay in the sun. I poo poo'd the idea of wearing sun screen claiming by S.A. skin could more than cope with the British sun. I hate to say I was I won't, but lets just say the rest of the weekend was slightly uncomfortable for me and I took a few cold baths.
We wondered down to check out the sea and a few of my more adventurous friends actually went swimming. Well, some call it adventurous I just call it stupid. We enjoyed a "talent" show on saturday evening followed by a bit of a boogie on the dance floor. (much needed I think)
Sunday flew by and before I knew it we were back on the train playing asshole (a card game for the uninformed) which Kingsley lost and so will forever more be known, in affectionate terms, as "asshole" (said in the baby voice from "Meet the Fockers")
A few of us missioned off the Hillsong to go see United, which is the youth band from Sydney. It was totally worth the mission and the hour and a half queue to get in. They totally rocked and it was the most perfect way for me to end the weekend, praising God with everything. If any of you ever get the chance to see them do whatever you have to to get there.
So though I am tired, sun burnt and have clicked my neck out I start this week happy and content. Ready for whatever this week has to throw at me. And seeing as Laura is going to Romania again I have a funny feeling it is going to be throwing a lot.
Friday I met up with a friend from home who I haven't seen in 2 years. She and her boyfriend had not seen the London sights yet so I took them on a 5 hour walking tour. I was wearing the most impractical shoes and so was in serious pain by the end of the day. But the sun was shining and I was wondering around a city I loved and so it was all good. 6 'o Clock I headed the the station to meet up with some friends to catch the train to Chichester. This weekend was the Alpha weekend away. After much hilarity and tripping down the length of a very long train we arrived at the holiday resort type thing and settled in.
Saturday was a day of talks and discusions followed by the football. As you can see below I had no interest in watching the football so I went and lay in the sun. I poo poo'd the idea of wearing sun screen claiming by S.A. skin could more than cope with the British sun. I hate to say I was I won't, but lets just say the rest of the weekend was slightly uncomfortable for me and I took a few cold baths.
We wondered down to check out the sea and a few of my more adventurous friends actually went swimming. Well, some call it adventurous I just call it stupid. We enjoyed a "talent" show on saturday evening followed by a bit of a boogie on the dance floor. (much needed I think)
Sunday flew by and before I knew it we were back on the train playing asshole (a card game for the uninformed) which Kingsley lost and so will forever more be known, in affectionate terms, as "asshole" (said in the baby voice from "Meet the Fockers")
A few of us missioned off the Hillsong to go see United, which is the youth band from Sydney. It was totally worth the mission and the hour and a half queue to get in. They totally rocked and it was the most perfect way for me to end the weekend, praising God with everything. If any of you ever get the chance to see them do whatever you have to to get there.
So though I am tired, sun burnt and have clicked my neck out I start this week happy and content. Ready for whatever this week has to throw at me. And seeing as Laura is going to Romania again I have a funny feeling it is going to be throwing a lot.
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Isn't it Ironic
It was a sweltering day today so on the way to fetch Sas I had the window down and the sun roof open and I was blasting Salt 'n Peppa's "Push It". (You know it, Push it, Push it good, Push it REAL good.) And round the corner come these two guys pushing their car down the street. I burst out laughing and they both looked at me like I was a complete nutter (oi).... I love life's stupid little ironies and games that totally catch you off gaurd. I think it made my day
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Fever and a massive headache
With the football world cup starting in a couple of days, football fever is hotting up. Listening to the radio this morning I was privvy to Wayne Rooneys every move and twitch as he headed back to manchester to get his precious foot checked out. With a little over a month till the final I have absolutely no idea how I am going to cope with all the football talk. I thought it would be fun (I was here for the last world cup and had a blast) but I am bored to tears already. Thinking bout supporting some random team just to spice things up a bit... Go Saudi Arabia
Sunday, June 04, 2006
One sexy doll

Tonight I went to see the Goo Goo Dolls. I have to admit I was really sceptical about this concert. I made a split second decision to go and spent the next month wondering what the hell I was going to do at a concert where I only knew 6 songs.
My fears were totally unjustified. The Goo Goo Dolls rocked!!!! I was blown away by the talented musicians and the lead singers amazing stage presence. He chatted with the crowd and made all the girls (okay maybe it was only me) totally fall in love with him. Turns out I know more of their music than I thought and though they do have one seriously dodgy guy with dreads who screams his songs, the way he played his bass guitar and curtsied at the end of his songs kept me entertained. This gig was well worth the £20 odd I paid. In fact I would have paid double for such a good night!!!
Thanks to EEN, Rox and Julz for an entertaining evening.......
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Today was such an awesomely beautiful day. But instead of being out and about in wonderfull London with my amazing friends I slept the afternoon clear away. I'm spirraling down into an emotional funk and right now see no way of getting out. Tomorrow is a pretty busy day with a visit to Hillsong in the morning. I have a feeling it might be just what I need......
Friday, June 02, 2006
Star gazing

I have turned into a serious celebrity magnet....they will not leave me alone. It started with Natasha Bedingfield a few weeks ago. I saw her twice in one weekend. The on Tuesday I was inocently doing the grocery shop when I ran (literally) into one of the crazy actors from "The green wing", a silly comedy show on channel 4. The yesterday while waiting to go see the X-Men I nearly tripped up one of the members of Coldplay who was carrying home lots of shopping.
I don't know what is happening but I LIKE IT. Maybe one day soon I'll actually talk to one of these "stars" lol
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Yay my laptop arrived today...this is my second blog entry from my spiffy new computer. I am so happy. Was having a crappy day but cheered right up at the sight of the package waiting for me......yay me!!!!!
yesterday, today, tomorrow
20 years ago I . . .
1. Was travelling with my Musician father all over South Africa
2. was an only child
3. was cute and cuddly
10 years ago I . . .
1. was living in amazing camps bay
2. was finishing primary school
3. was getting to know my mom
5 years ago I . . .
1. rode a red scrambler
2. bought my first car
3. cried when I finished high scool
3 years ago I . . .
1. was a really cool DJ
2. had several scary incidents on the road
3. was busy every night (almost)
1 year ago I . . .
1. moved to London
2. met someone who was to become one of the best friends I've ever had
3. became a nanny
So far this year I . . .
1. started studying
2. been to rome
3. moved churches
Yesterday I . . .
1. was "overtired" (said in a northern accent)
2. thought I was starting an 11 day holiday
3. drove all the way to southfields...which seems like another country sometimes
Today I . . .
1. found out my holiday has been postponed for at least a month
2. stressed out in a new amazing way
3. saw X-Men III
Tomorrow I will . . .
1. Have lunch with a friend
2. Stress less
3. See the Da Vinci Code
In the next year I will . . .
1. make a plan to visit SA
2. be studying hard
3. work hard on being a better friend
1. Was travelling with my Musician father all over South Africa
2. was an only child
3. was cute and cuddly
10 years ago I . . .
1. was living in amazing camps bay
2. was finishing primary school
3. was getting to know my mom
5 years ago I . . .
1. rode a red scrambler
2. bought my first car
3. cried when I finished high scool
3 years ago I . . .
1. was a really cool DJ
2. had several scary incidents on the road
3. was busy every night (almost)
1 year ago I . . .
1. moved to London
2. met someone who was to become one of the best friends I've ever had
3. became a nanny
So far this year I . . .
1. started studying
2. been to rome
3. moved churches
Yesterday I . . .
1. was "overtired" (said in a northern accent)
2. thought I was starting an 11 day holiday
3. drove all the way to southfields...which seems like another country sometimes
Today I . . .
1. found out my holiday has been postponed for at least a month
2. stressed out in a new amazing way
3. saw X-Men III
Tomorrow I will . . .
1. Have lunch with a friend
2. Stress less
3. See the Da Vinci Code
In the next year I will . . .
1. make a plan to visit SA
2. be studying hard
3. work hard on being a better friend
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
My very special day
Anyone who reads my blog or who has had to spend more than 5 mins with me over the last 6 weeks has known that I was not looking forward to my birthday this year. Infact if I could have just passed it by I would have. Luckily for me I have the most amazing friends and family ever and I ended my day feeling really really special.
I was woken up by Laura and Sas. They treated me like a princess and Sas spent the whole morning giving me cuddles. After some prep for the camping trip I met up with Tagg who had lovingly taken the afternoon off so that I wouldn't have to spend the day alone. We had Sushi at our favourite joint Kulu Kulu.
The rest of the afternoon was a haze of meeting up with the campers and fetching the cars for the trip. We headed home for some thai take away. The evening ended with most of my favourite London dwellers with me, making too much noise and all sleeping one on top of the other.
Thanks so much for all the messages, cards and e-mails everyone. I felt so loved and that is more than I could have asked for. Hello 23
I was woken up by Laura and Sas. They treated me like a princess and Sas spent the whole morning giving me cuddles. After some prep for the camping trip I met up with Tagg who had lovingly taken the afternoon off so that I wouldn't have to spend the day alone. We had Sushi at our favourite joint Kulu Kulu.
The rest of the afternoon was a haze of meeting up with the campers and fetching the cars for the trip. We headed home for some thai take away. The evening ended with most of my favourite London dwellers with me, making too much noise and all sleeping one on top of the other.
Thanks so much for all the messages, cards and e-mails everyone. I felt so loved and that is more than I could have asked for. Hello 23
Eatin' in Eton
We stopped off at Windsor (or Eton depending on who you talk to) on the trip home this weekend. We had all sorts of big plans from going to Legoland to going to Windsor castle. In the end we had lunch in a pub where the service was appaling and the food even worse. We were all worse for wear after the weekend and so fed up we walked down one street in Windsor and then headed home. This is the second time I have been there and have failed to see the castle or visit legoland.....
Maybe next year for my birthday.....
Maybe next year for my birthday.....
Notes from a camping trip
1. I am more of a princess than I would like to admit.
I was overheard commenting on the state of my nails at one point. I moaned for England this weekend about everything from my lack of matress to the gross smell at the loo's.
2. Music is only enjoyable when it is your choice to listen to it
We (or maybe just me) were kept up till all hours of the morning listening to seriously varied music. Even when they were playing the amazing snow patrol CD I was grinding my teeth and burying my head in the sleeping bag.
3. Creation blows my mind.
We went for an awesome walk in the forest on saturday afternoon. We had an impromtu picnic by the river (and I have to say pita's have never tasted so good) and then set off for our stroll. Everything was picture perfect and I realised how much I missed going for a saturday afternoon stoll on table mountain. I am so gratefull there is so much in this world to appreciate and find joy in.
4. It's all about the peeps
This weekend would have been wasted for me if it was not for the people. Between Clare taking an involuntary jump into a river and Ian wearing his hat "Robin Hood" style, I was kept thoroughly entertained the whole weekend.

I was overheard commenting on the state of my nails at one point. I moaned for England this weekend about everything from my lack of matress to the gross smell at the loo's.
2. Music is only enjoyable when it is your choice to listen to it
We (or maybe just me) were kept up till all hours of the morning listening to seriously varied music. Even when they were playing the amazing snow patrol CD I was grinding my teeth and burying my head in the sleeping bag.
3. Creation blows my mind.
We went for an awesome walk in the forest on saturday afternoon. We had an impromtu picnic by the river (and I have to say pita's have never tasted so good) and then set off for our stroll. Everything was picture perfect and I realised how much I missed going for a saturday afternoon stoll on table mountain. I am so gratefull there is so much in this world to appreciate and find joy in.
4. It's all about the peeps
This weekend would have been wasted for me if it was not for the people. Between Clare taking an involuntary jump into a river and Ian wearing his hat "Robin Hood" style, I was kept thoroughly entertained the whole weekend.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Camping update
So we seem to have gotten ourselves semi organised after many weeks of me stressing. We came to the delightful decIsion not to leave on Friday night and set up our tents in the dark and rain and we are instead going to hang out at my house in the warmth and light. So I will def write again with all the goings ons but I just want to declare here and now that we WILL be having an awesome time on this trip. We are going to laugh (and maybe cry) but fun will be had by all.
Death Cab for Cutie
My boss recently did a music video for this band, and while I knew who they were (Thanks you O.C) I wasn't a particular fan of their music.
However when Laura let me watch the new music video I realised I quite liked their melodic "folk rock" and borrowed the album for a good old listen. I have not stopped listening the their album since. They have the most amazing lyrics and the music seems to hook you the heart. They are serious grown up artists with something to say that is actually worth hearing....
Sadly I have realised that I am finally growing up and have put my pop loving Britney Spears days behind have served me well Top 40 but I think it is time to go explore deeper waters.
However when Laura let me watch the new music video I realised I quite liked their melodic "folk rock" and borrowed the album for a good old listen. I have not stopped listening the their album since. They have the most amazing lyrics and the music seems to hook you the heart. They are serious grown up artists with something to say that is actually worth hearing....
Sadly I have realised that I am finally growing up and have put my pop loving Britney Spears days behind have served me well Top 40 but I think it is time to go explore deeper waters.
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Parking off
It has taken me almost a whole week to write about this....The pain (and shame) has just been too great.
On Thursday afternoon Sas and I met Laura at the dentist for their appointment. At 5:20 (or whatever) I went out to put more money on the meeter and to my horror the car was going. Ever the South African my first thought was, was it was stolen??? (followed by is this actually where I left the car????) I went upstairs with dread to tell Laura the car had vanished....she was not impressed but was sure th car had been towed away and not stollen.
After phoning the city council and verifying that they had the car I went out and cornered the traffic warden....he obviously saw something in my eye close to rage (or desperation) and so he immediately pointed out that the sign had actually been facing the worng was and so I might have missed that this was a suspended parking bay....I promptly took down his badge number so that I could contest the fine at a later date. Sas was beside herself with worry and we had to go all the way to the pound to rescue the car (£200 later)
This is the second run in with the traffic department that I have had in as many months....I did not get out of it last time but I am hoping like hell that this time they pull their fingers out....I really can't afford to pay laura £200....keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!!!
On Thursday afternoon Sas and I met Laura at the dentist for their appointment. At 5:20 (or whatever) I went out to put more money on the meeter and to my horror the car was going. Ever the South African my first thought was, was it was stolen??? (followed by is this actually where I left the car????) I went upstairs with dread to tell Laura the car had vanished....she was not impressed but was sure th car had been towed away and not stollen.
After phoning the city council and verifying that they had the car I went out and cornered the traffic warden....he obviously saw something in my eye close to rage (or desperation) and so he immediately pointed out that the sign had actually been facing the worng was and so I might have missed that this was a suspended parking bay....I promptly took down his badge number so that I could contest the fine at a later date. Sas was beside herself with worry and we had to go all the way to the pound to rescue the car (£200 later)
This is the second run in with the traffic department that I have had in as many months....I did not get out of it last time but I am hoping like hell that this time they pull their fingers out....I really can't afford to pay laura £200....keep your fingers crossed for me!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Mission accomplished
I had a bad day yesterday...really bad. There is major road works going on around my area and it took me a seriously mad amount of time to go fetch Saskia last night from a friend. By the time I got home it was too late to go meet the friend I had planned to see. My frustration levels were at an all time high as this was already the second time we had tried to get together this week (and it was only Tuesday) and I had been dealing with this traffic for days now. So when Laura got home I made the split second decision to go see a movie. Got to the train staion and realised I had not brought my Oyster card so had to pay almost double the to the movie theater and after waiting in line for 15 mins found out they don't take elctron cards.
I eventually made it into the theater and collapsed onto the seat. I had picked Mission Impossible III as it seemed it would give me the most escapism possible. And I was right. Two and a half hours later I walked out of the theater a new woman. Relaxed, happy and smiling. My faith in the world restored. Thank goodness for the cinema
I eventually made it into the theater and collapsed onto the seat. I had picked Mission Impossible III as it seemed it would give me the most escapism possible. And I was right. Two and a half hours later I walked out of the theater a new woman. Relaxed, happy and smiling. My faith in the world restored. Thank goodness for the cinema
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
I AM: just a little girl
I WANT: to be happy
I WISH: I were by the sea
I HATE: traffic on the morning school run
I MISS: my friends and family who r not in London
I HEAR: awesome music
I WONDER: what I will have for lunch
I REGRET: nothing
I AM NOT: going to gripe
I DANCE: around the house
I SING: whenever there is music on
I CRY: when I am by myself (except at church)
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: a happy home
I WRITE: my blog (and to the traffic department moaning about fines)
I CONFUSE: people when I change topics mid conversation
I NEED: a hug
I SHOULD: be doing something else right now
I START: to work and then come back to the computer
I FINISH: my work eventually
I TAG: no one
I WANT: to be happy
I WISH: I were by the sea
I HATE: traffic on the morning school run
I MISS: my friends and family who r not in London
I HEAR: awesome music
I WONDER: what I will have for lunch
I REGRET: nothing
I AM NOT: going to gripe
I DANCE: around the house
I SING: whenever there is music on
I CRY: when I am by myself (except at church)
I MAKE WITH MY HANDS: a happy home
I WRITE: my blog (and to the traffic department moaning about fines)
I CONFUSE: people when I change topics mid conversation
I NEED: a hug
I SHOULD: be doing something else right now
I START: to work and then come back to the computer
I FINISH: my work eventually
I TAG: no one
Monday, May 15, 2006
I will not loose my head.... I will not loose my head...

The service at church last night was amazing. The guy (no idea what his name was) did a talk about living each day with God and storing up goodness in your heart so that you don't loose your head in pressurised situations. Needless to say that lasted about as long as I was asleep. The traffic this morning was a nightmare and I was desperately trying to get Sas to school on time. I lost my head a few times threatening poor random drivers with fates worse than death.....tomorrow morning will be better.
Musings from a train window
This weekend I escaped London and went to Norwich to visit some old friends. It was great to get out of the city and have some fun but on the train trip back I had some time for reflection and I realised a few thing
1. The Grass is not Greener on the Other Side
I love my life in London, but sometimes it gets a bit hectic and I feel like I want to run away. This weekend helped me realise I am really really happy here. Also I am blessed by the people that I do life with. I missed spending time with them this weekend and I was really excited to come home.
2. I am not a punk rock chick
We ended up at a punk rock club on Saturday night, right in the middle of a mosh pit jumping around, and while I enjoyed it I would not be able to do that every weekend. (thanks to Richard for his "performance". That alone would tempt me into going again)
3. The Grass is Literally Greener on the Other Side
London is not as green as I would like to believe. I have vehemently denied that London is grey and dreary but obviously I have been here way too long. The second we got out of London I was amazed by the green green grass....London is dull in comparison.
So those were some of my musings on the train. If I told you anymore I would have to kill you :-)
1. The Grass is not Greener on the Other Side
I love my life in London, but sometimes it gets a bit hectic and I feel like I want to run away. This weekend helped me realise I am really really happy here. Also I am blessed by the people that I do life with. I missed spending time with them this weekend and I was really excited to come home.
2. I am not a punk rock chick
We ended up at a punk rock club on Saturday night, right in the middle of a mosh pit jumping around, and while I enjoyed it I would not be able to do that every weekend. (thanks to Richard for his "performance". That alone would tempt me into going again)
3. The Grass is Literally Greener on the Other Side
London is not as green as I would like to believe. I have vehemently denied that London is grey and dreary but obviously I have been here way too long. The second we got out of London I was amazed by the green green grass....London is dull in comparison.
So those were some of my musings on the train. If I told you anymore I would have to kill you :-)
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Island for Sale
I found THIS online today and thought it was pretty funny..... whatever will happen on e-bay next???
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
Thats Life

I went to see Sinatra at the theater last night with a friend of mine. It was a thoroughly enjoyable show but not one that required much concentration so I found my mind wondering to several thing
The Conductor
I'm not sure that he was meant to be such an integral part of the show but he did everything in his power to draw attention to himself. He was literally jumping up and down and it didn't look like the ochestra was paying the slightest bit of notice to his conducting. He had me in hysterics for most of the show
The wigs
I was fascinated with all the different hair styles and I was totally impressed by how well the wigs stayed on through various rigorous head movements. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out which was real hair and which was wig
The male dancers
Boy could these guys dance. AND I recognised one of them from Staurday Night Fever. (you know you have seen a lot of shows when you start recognising the dancers)
I do reccomend this show. Most people love Frank Sinatra's music and the dancers were very entertaining.I learnt a lot about Sinatra's life. Light entertainment for a week night.
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Sunday, May 07, 2006
Sunday therapy

I have been working this weekend as Laura is away in Romania on a job. She thoughtfully organisd for Sas to go spend sunday afternoon with her cousins so I would get an afternoon break. I took the opportunity to meet the girls in Hyde Park for a gentle stroll.
After walking for about 45 mins we made our way round to speakers corner. I have never been there before and I have always been interested in going, so I waded in and had a good old listen. For those of you who live outside London Speakers Corner is a small section of Hyde Park where people come to air their views. They bring a ladder or a podium and start shouting. The thing that surprised me was how many people were having one on one debates (some might call them arguments) and that 90% of the discussion was about religion of some kind. I was totally fascinated and enthralled. I could happily have spent an hour just wandering from group to group taking it all in. I must just point out that a lot of the views were rather dodgy and at one point I was told that I was a "scalliwag sinner". If you're in London though and you haven't checked it yourself a favour and go have a peek....
Friday, May 05, 2006
A bum deal
It seem like I see a lot of strange things while going to and from school but I have to say this takes the cake. For a few days in a row now I have seen a specific cyclist round the Swiss Cottage area. Now normally I wouldn't look twice at a cyclist but this guy wears a pair of WHITE cycling shorts. And for some reason by the time I see him they have gone totally see through. So basically I can see his whole bum. In graphic detail. It makes me laugh hysterically every time and obviously Sas wants to know what I am laughing about. I can't however point out this mans rear end and destroy her innocence (depsite the fact that she moons me on a dialy basis). Maybe I should point out to this guy that his ass is on display to the whole of London!!!!!
Thursday, May 04, 2006
Sassy files No.2
I stumble down my stairs at 7 this morning, seriously bleary eyed after a crap nights sleep, to see Sas energetically jumping round her room.
Bron: Sas WHAT are you doing?
Sas: Starjumps, I'm getting fit. I did push ups over there.
Bron: (hysterical laughter)
Instantly awake and cheered up. Kids are so priceless. I am so lucky to have this little innocent creature in my life.
Bron: Sas WHAT are you doing?
Sas: Starjumps, I'm getting fit. I did push ups over there.
Bron: (hysterical laughter)
Instantly awake and cheered up. Kids are so priceless. I am so lucky to have this little innocent creature in my life.
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
Drowned Alive

David Blaine can safely be described as a mad man. In his quest for, I don't know, fame, the man has spent 44 days in a glass box and been frozen in an ice block for 61 hours just to name a few. Now his latest idea is to spend a week under water and then to hold his breath for a record breaking 9 minutes. He is going to use air and feeding tubes to keep himself alive. I can't understand his motivation. I think he has by far proven that the mind is a powerful instrument and that most of us have no idea what we could do if put to the test. Now it just seems slightly masochistic and wierd and I am not sure who would want to watch some man suffering away in a human aquarium.
Having said all that I really really hope everything goes well for him on this one. He is a way braver (or mader) man than me. (though of course I am a woman not a man)
Tuesday, May 02, 2006

So I think it is safe to say that we are going camping the last weekend in May. To be honest I can't say I met this news with lots of enthusiasm. I mean this is England and it is May.... in other words it is going to be on the chilly side of warm. Add this to the fact that not a lot of people here really go camping and so as a result there is a lot of equipment to buy, and I am feeling a little scared.
All of this has come about because Steve and Ian went Hiking this past weekend and camping fever has set in. Wish me luck people. I see many hilarious mishaps in my near future. (Fear not I will keep you closely informed of all camping goings ons)
Sunday, April 30, 2006
A Colour Explosion
I made an impulse decision a week ago to register for Colour, a womens conference run by Hillsong. I was a bit aprehensive as I know these conference are very girl girl with lots of hugging and kissing and telling each other how fabulous you are (not to mention all the screaming) and to be honest that is not really my scene. Having said all that, I am extremely glad I went along. I didn't realise quite how much I needed this weekend till I walked out last night, feeling tired, but completely refreshed and ready for the next step.
They had some truly inspirational speakers including Christine Cane and Holly Wagner. Both totally down to earth women who have been through so much in their lives but have come through it to become spunk, fun loving, amzing Godly women. They were so inspiring to me and I have walked away from this weekend feeling filled up to the brimb and ready to go out into the world and live life to the full.
I HAVE to mention the amazing finale that Colour organised. Almost 200 men in tux's handing out beautiful red roses to all the women while sinding "The way you look tonight". Definetly an amazing note to end the weekend on.
They had some truly inspirational speakers including Christine Cane and Holly Wagner. Both totally down to earth women who have been through so much in their lives but have come through it to become spunk, fun loving, amzing Godly women. They were so inspiring to me and I have walked away from this weekend feeling filled up to the brimb and ready to go out into the world and live life to the full.
I HAVE to mention the amazing finale that Colour organised. Almost 200 men in tux's handing out beautiful red roses to all the women while sinding "The way you look tonight". Definetly an amazing note to end the weekend on.
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Are you always fine???
I saw this video today and it really struck a cord with me. 99% of the time when someone asks me how I am, I will say I'm fine or I'm good. I could be having the worst day of my life and I will still struggle to be honest with the people around me about how I'm really feeling. I think I was conditioned into thinking people will only like me if I am happy and doing good and that people will leave as soon as I "burden" them with my problems. I know this is totally unfair on my friends and that I am really underestimating them. From now on I vow to try and be a bit more honest and not always automatically respond with "I'm fine"
The Sasy files No. 1

I arrive at school to fetch Sas and witness her forcing a kiss on a very unhappy looking Arthur.
Bron: Oohhh Sas I saw you kissing Arthur
Sas: (blushing) yes
Bron: Why were you kissing him?
Sas: I like Arthur........ But I LOVE Jeremy.
Bron: So is Jeremy your boyfriend
Sas: Yes
Bron: (after a couple minutes contemplation) Does Jeremy know he s your boyfriend
Sas: No I'm trying to keep it a secret.
I had to laugh at the thought of poor Jeremy who has unwittingly become the object of Sas' desire. You can ask my brother all about that. He was her "boyfriend" while he was here for three weeks last year. She declared her undying love and promised (threatened) to marry him. Seems he is in the past now though.....
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
No Camo in the City

London is an eclectic city. We have every nation in the world living here and also pretty much every wierdo. So it takes a lot to shock me these days. I am quite happy to sit opposite a goth on the tube and check out their various piercings and tatoos without batting an eyelash. But that is not to say that I am unshockable.
I was happily driving Sas home from school yesterday when I saw a man in full camo trousers. Now I seriously hope I am not offending anyone here but there is absolutely no excurse for camo clothing. Unless you are in the army or playing paintball (even then it's a bit wierd) you cannot get away with it. The whole point of camo is to make you invisible in your surroundings. But all it does in London in make you stick out like a sore thumb. I was tempted to stop and take a photo of said offender but then I thought he might think I like it..... (shudder)
Monday, April 24, 2006
Where is my mind????
Today I was craving a chocolate muffin real real bad. Sainsbury's only seemed to sell them in six packs and I wasn't craving them THAT bad so I swung passed Starbucks and grabbed a muffin and a bottle of water. It wasn't till I was back at my car that I realised that I had paid and then happily walked off minus the muffin and water. The thing that really cracked me up though was that upon my return the cashier gave me a fat lecture about forgetting my goods. Now I know I am scatter brained and forever loosing my cell phone and keys, but who can honestly say that they haven't left stuff behind at the cash desk.... I mean I have heard of people forgetting their entire weekly shop!!!!
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Ice Age 2 - The meltdown

I love feel good happy movies. I generally go to the cinema because I want to escape the hectic London life and just space out for an hour or two. So I was perfectly happy when Ian suggested we go see Ice Age 2 last night. I wasn't expecting any thing amazing but I was really pleasently surprised by this one.
It was outstandingly funny. I guess even more than usual as I went to see it with a bunch of people all with a really great sense of humour. We pretty much laughed non-stop much to the annoyance of everone else trying to watch the movie. Infact I was even told to ssshhhhh at one point.
My favourite characters were Crash and Eddie (picture above). Two possums with major attitude who just reminded me so much of Ian and Steve.
I highly recommend this to anyone who loves a laugh you will come out of the cinema feeling great.
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Glorious, heavenly, wonderful

So it is official.... summer is here. Well it is 90% here anyway. The days have been getting longer and (slightly warmer) and today I am out in the garden basking in the sun with a skirt on. That is right people, today will go down in history as the first skirt day of the year.
Oh glorious summer....I welcome you with open arms and bare legs.
Friday, April 21, 2006
Subliminal messaging
To date my blog entries have been light and airy anecdotes about life in general but tonight I am in a melencholy mood and have been doing some serious reflecting whilst watching The O.C..
Robbie Williams recently released a new album entitled intensive car and for the record I think Robbie Williams is amazingly talented. I don't know if I am doing the girl over analising thing but he seems to talk about religion a lot on this album. To my knowledge Rob in NOT a christian and his lyrics certainly don't indicate any different. They do seem to be crying out for answers though. In the end I think there is a longing in all of us to find the answers to life's big questions, why are we here, what is our purpose and Rob seems to be on the cusp of finding out. In his song "Make me Pure" he sings
I know I'm gonna die
So my revenge is living well
Oh Lord
Make me pure
But not yet
I stopped praying
So I hope this song will do
I wrote it all for you
I'm not perfect
But you don't mind that, do you?
I know you're there to pull me through
Aren't you?
To be honest I found these lyrics a bit shocking and I found myself desperately praying that someone would come along side Robbie and show him that there was so much more to life than this. It also really got me thinking about the influence musicians have on people and what people would think hearing these lyrics. It sounds to me like he is saying, "God I know you're out there and I know I don't live a perfect life (which none of ever do) but I don't care. I'm going to live my life the way I want." I am sure that this would not be shocking to most people as it pretty much sums up our culture and attitude... esp here in England. But do people even here what he is saying? Or has everone become so dull that words in a song have no impact anymore. Do we blindly let other people's music and opinions filter into our lives without thinking about what we are listening to and advocating. I know music is a touchy subject for a lot of people and I am one of those that does not like having to filter my choice of music but I have had to realise that music is not as harmless as I would like to think and I have to at the very least be aware of what I am listening to.
Robbie Williams recently released a new album entitled intensive car and for the record I think Robbie Williams is amazingly talented. I don't know if I am doing the girl over analising thing but he seems to talk about religion a lot on this album. To my knowledge Rob in NOT a christian and his lyrics certainly don't indicate any different. They do seem to be crying out for answers though. In the end I think there is a longing in all of us to find the answers to life's big questions, why are we here, what is our purpose and Rob seems to be on the cusp of finding out. In his song "Make me Pure" he sings
I know I'm gonna die
So my revenge is living well
Oh Lord
Make me pure
But not yet
I stopped praying
So I hope this song will do
I wrote it all for you
I'm not perfect
But you don't mind that, do you?
I know you're there to pull me through
Aren't you?
To be honest I found these lyrics a bit shocking and I found myself desperately praying that someone would come along side Robbie and show him that there was so much more to life than this. It also really got me thinking about the influence musicians have on people and what people would think hearing these lyrics. It sounds to me like he is saying, "God I know you're out there and I know I don't live a perfect life (which none of ever do) but I don't care. I'm going to live my life the way I want." I am sure that this would not be shocking to most people as it pretty much sums up our culture and attitude... esp here in England. But do people even here what he is saying? Or has everone become so dull that words in a song have no impact anymore. Do we blindly let other people's music and opinions filter into our lives without thinking about what we are listening to and advocating. I know music is a touchy subject for a lot of people and I am one of those that does not like having to filter my choice of music but I have had to realise that music is not as harmless as I would like to think and I have to at the very least be aware of what I am listening to.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
I have joined another bolgging site. I feel like I am cheating on my first love a bit but I was desperate.
It is quite an exclusive thing and you have to actually be invited to join. So when I finally got my personal invitation, after weeks of waiting, nothing could hold me back. the site is and it has been started by my church. It is basically a site with loads of random people's blogs on it. This site has some really interesting (and some totally random) information and I always find something worth reading on there.
The best thing of all on there is a podcast done by some of the teachers from the theological college, exploring some of the difficult questions people have about christianity a facinating listen. If you ever have a spare and rather bored moment this is something that could potentially keep you busy for hours.
It is quite an exclusive thing and you have to actually be invited to join. So when I finally got my personal invitation, after weeks of waiting, nothing could hold me back. the site is and it has been started by my church. It is basically a site with loads of random people's blogs on it. This site has some really interesting (and some totally random) information and I always find something worth reading on there.
The best thing of all on there is a podcast done by some of the teachers from the theological college, exploring some of the difficult questions people have about christianity a facinating listen. If you ever have a spare and rather bored moment this is something that could potentially keep you busy for hours.
Tuesday, April 18, 2006
A Hope and a prayer

We couldn't pass up the opportunity to excape London for a 4 day weekend. After much research and about a thousand million e-mails we settled on a really unknown town (if you can call it a town) called Hope Cove. After a rather hectic day rushing around we picked up the car on thursday afternoon and made tracks out of London as fast we could. The drive was bout 4.5 hours and we made it to the cottage round midnight. After a quick look around we all crashed for the night.
Friday morning Steve and I went to do the grocery shop but got so carried away by the amazing scenery we ended up driving for bout 2 hours. We eventually settled on a tiny shop in Dartmouth and then had a lengthy shop for food. Steve seemed to be packing the trolley with more and more things every time I turned around. We arrived back to the cottage to a very very hungry bunch of people. We had absolutely no signal in Hope cove so they had no idea what had happened to us.
The whole area was so amazing. Rolling green hills and amazing deep blue seas. We pretty much spent the whole holiday sleeping and eating with a few walks in the area for good measure. The evening we seemed to come alive and there we some very revealing and hysterical board games.The girls Lost the bet and had to cook and clean for a whole day and make the boys tea and coffee on demand. I have to say the boys were such gentlemen that they didn't even hold us to the bet. (I wonder if the girls would have done the same?????) The boys taught us to play poker and I am proud to say the girls played very well (despite the fact that I didn't win a single hand)
The whole weekend was exactly what I needed. A chilled out weekend far from city trappings, with amazing people who made me laugh pretty much non stop the whole weekend. Sadly it did have to end (despite my whaling "I'm not ready to go home", loudly and at length)and monday we rose early and headed off to London after a farewell walk on the cliff. The traffic was horrendous and what should have taken 4.5 hours took us 9 hours heading home. I will never travel again on a bank holiday.
Thanks to everone one the trip. Guys you made this holiday what it was....amazing
To compensate for the shock of being back in London I am now planning my next holiday....
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